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Yesterday, the police force had been hunting the animal that had been killing people. They even brought in another dog to help Tango track people, it was a boy dog few years older called Oscar. Although ultimately Tango led the chase as Charlie was in better shape than the other dog's handler who seemed like a very plump human.

The dogs had led them to a bare human footprint which suggested that the culprits were heading east so it was now out of their jurisdiction. At least it was some form of identification for Charlie and those who cared about Waylon. After work yesterday they had the family dinner at the Carver Cafe where a few fishermen asked about Waylon's case.

Charlie and Tango had the day off today. Charlie sat at the table cleaning his rifle whilst Tango sat chewing of her squishy rabbit toy just on the floor. Bella paced in and out of the room every ten minutes, bringing her anxious smell with her.

"Hey, got you another one." Bella placed a beer down in front of her dad hoping to soften the news.

"Thanks." Charlie blew down the barrel of the gun clearing out the dust. Tango's toy squeaked a little as she chewed it excessively, the dog had had it since she was a puppy and the squishy carrot was a favourite along with her rope. Tango didn't have many toys because of all her training they were considered a distraction but the ones she did have, she loved immensely.

"I have a date with Edward Cullen." Bella rushed out

Charlie was silent but placed down the gun's cleaning cord and moving his beers so he could reach some polisher, "He's a little old for you, isn't he?"

"No. He's a junior. I'm a junior." She defended even "I thought you liked the Cullens."

The father turned his head to Bella taking a sip of beer, the moment he had dreaded since he knew he was having a daughter: boyfriends. The time had come, "I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town."

"Edward doesn't live in town, technically." Charlie gave his daughter a 'really?' look, Bella glanced down at Tango before speaking again, "He's right outside."

"He is?"

"Yeah, he wanted to meet you, officially."

"All right." Charlie sighed, snapping his gun into place, "Bring him in."

"Could you be nice? He's important." Charlie drew an exaggerated halo over his head rolling his eyes at his daughter. If anything she shouldn't be worried about the gun but Tango, one word and Tango locks her jaw around that poor boy's throat. Now that he thought about it that sounded like a great idea. But when he looked down expecting to see his threatening police dog, all he found was a soft pushover who had one floppy ear and a squishy carrot in her mouth.

Bella went to get Edward so Charlie pushed his gun further onto the table and stood up, he whistled quietly and Tango got up with him, not dropping the carrot.

"Chief Swan, I want to formally introduce myself." They shook hands, "I'm Edward Cullen."

"Hi, Edward." It was obvious in Charlie's tone that he wasn't impressed, but that was the job when being a father. Tango didn't understand why she had to get up, she had already met stinky Edward. He gave nice cold head rubs and got her rope from the tree.

"Bella won't be out too late tonight. She's just gonna play baseball with my family."

Charlie's eyebrows raised as he tried to hide his amusement, "Baseball?" Bella was the least athletic person he knew. Yesterday, he had asked Bella to take Tango on a quick walk and she came back after five minutes covered in mud since she couldn't even walk without doing something clumsy.

"Yes, sir, that's the plan." Of course Edward would never tell him what kind of baseball, not unless he wanted to be killed by the Volturi.

The man let out a breath of disbelief, saying it again, "Bella's gonna play baseball. Well, good luck with that." Charlie scratched his jaw and looked at his daughter who avoided his eyes in embarrassment, he didn't care though.

"I'll take good care of her. I promise." Edward gave a small smile and followed Bella as she led him to the front door, passing quietly when Charlie called his daughter. Tango dropped the squeaky carrot from her mouth onto the floor licking her nose.

"Hey." Charlie spoke quieter and did a hand gesture to spraying something, "Still got that pepper spray?"

Bella blushed in embarrassment as she knew Edward could hear, "Yeah, Dad."

Tango followed them to the door as Edward helped Bella into her coat. Bella grabbed a scarf and ruffled her fur slightly before leaving first. Edward held the door as he nodded at the dog, stroking her only once, "Tango." He left right after with no clue for the journey he was about to face.

The German Shepherd poked her head out the doggie door and watched them drive away before returning to Charlie who had the carrot in his hand. "You were no help at all," Charlie told his dog as she put her mouth on the carrot and a small tug of war began. Ultimately Charlie released it worried for her teeth as his dog staggered back a bit.

"What happens when she gets married god-forbid, huh? Just gonna sit there with a carrot in your mouth?" Tango tilted her head and dropped the carrot as Charlie spoke to her which made him scoff playfully. "So now you drop the carrot?" Tango didn't know what he was saying but barked back which Charlie took as confirmation. The man nodded, leaning down to give her a belly rub which she happily accepted, "that's what I thought."

author's note- sorry this chapter was slightly shorter. if you're enjoying the book please comment or vote, it really does make such a difference to the author when you do. If anyone realised, Im basing the squishy carrot chew toy like the one from BOLT.

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