27. Let go

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Percy's POV

Percy barely had any strength left in him. He was tired, still hurt. The water didn't heal everything.

But he had to hold on. Just a little longer.

The wall was the only thing that kept everyone safe from the darkness Voldemort kept pushing their way.

The death eaters had vanished.
Monsters defeated.

Now it was only Voldemort.
One more. Just one and it was over. Just one bald, noseless, snake wannabe.

Percy let out another scream when Voldemort pushed harder against the wall of water.

"Get everyone out of here!" Percy yelled to nobody in particular. "Go outside ! Hide! I don't know how long I can keep this up!"

"We are not leaving you here!" Annabeth said stubbornly.

"She is right Percy!" Harry said.

"Please. Go. I can't.. hold it longer." Percy grunted.
"Just go. I'll be right behind you!"

Annabeth shot him a knowing look. Percy tried to smile. She had tears in her eyes.
"I beter see you in a couple of seconds seaweed brain."

"Of course wise girl." Percy whispered.

He heard whispers. Some said thanks, others goodbye.
Percy didn't have a lot of time to think about it long.

The man on the other side was pushing harder on the wall of water.

One last look behind him to make sure there was nobody left here except him.

He closed his eyes and let go.
He decided last minute to form a small dome around him so the water rushed around him.

The darkness felt like it was out to crush his bones.
After what felt like forever he let the water go entirely.

He heard Voldemort laughing.
Then the darkness became to much.

Percy blacked out.

He didn't know how long he was out but he awoke with a jolt. Voldemort was leaning over him. Wand pointed at him. Smile on his ugly face.

He was still in the castle. That's good. He heard rushing footsteps. Not sure if that's good.

"Let's see, what is going on in that mind of yours." Voldemort whispered.

Then many things happened at the same time.
Percy reached for ripride in his pocket and was close to uncapping it.
His friends were running for Percy screaming and yelling at Voldemort to get back.

Voldemort laughed and vanished.
But not entirely. Percy gasped.

Percy was seeing how his mother got taken by the Minotaur. How he found out Tyson was his brother. How he held up the sky while Zoë died. How he led the war. How his memory got swiped. How he and Annabeth fell. The entire shit show when we were down there. All of it was coming back.

Sometimes Voldemort commented on events and saw his face. Felt his presence in his mind.

Some moments his vision went back to the present and he saw Annabeth kneeling next to him.
Harry talking to Dumbledore who came to Percy.

"Percy" Annebeth whispered.

Almost automatically Percy thought of all the happy things with her. Their kiss under water when they first met each other. How she judo flipped him in camp Jupiter.
His other happy memories shot through his mind.

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