chapter 4

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The meeting was NOT interesting.
Tony whipped out his phone, smirking as he felt a pair of eyes on him.
Natasha raised one eyebrow.
"Really?now?" Her eyes seemed to say
Tony shrugged.

Old man.
Hey kiddo.
U awake?

Tony typed out.

Tony stared at his screen for awhile before sighing and placing it on the table. He crossed his arms, his eyes not leaving the phone.
Then, suddenly, the screen lit up. It showed :
New message from 'ghost king'
And tony grinned.
This time, natasha was not the only one who noticed.

The avengers, "the earth's mightiest heroes", looked at each other ,confused.
What was going on?
Tony smirked again, and shrugged.
After what seemed like a millennia, the meeting was done and the eye patch guy was sent packing.
Tony was the first out the door, the avengers following him like puppies waiting for treats.
Tony walked into his room, his nose still on his phone, texting his new friend.
He pretended like he didn't see his not-online friends waiting for answers, and just walked into his room and slammed the door shut.
He grinned.

Well, this is going to be interesting

There you have it. The shortest chapter in the history of short chapters brought to you by yours truly and sponsored by sleep deprivation, cramps, and online school.
But seriously,guys, I'm si sorry for the short update.
Anygays, hope you liked it and don't forget  to comment and view 🙃

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