A Lie and a Fist Fight

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Author's note: towards the end of my book I'm going to be delving into some difficult subjects. I won't be going into explicit details, because I don't believe in talking about sensitive subjects in a graphic way. Writing is very cathartic for me and helps me sort through my own trauma in a healthy way.

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Out of all my friends, Benji is my least favorite.

Okay, I know. Super shitty of me to have an order in which I prefer my friends. Here's the thing with Benji; he's an asshole. For example, he never apologizes. He could absolutely be wrong and will still refuse to say sorry. This fact about him is how most of his relationships have ended, all because he never wants to admit to being wrong.

Here's the other thing about Benji; he is blunt, and he is loyal. Benji will call you right out on your shit, then stick with you through whatever you're going through. Anytime we've gotten in spats about something, he's never dropped me as a friend and will tell me what is what. He helps me lick my wounds and move on.

Oh, and he also has this obnoxious pickup truck with no muffler, that you can hear probably a mile away. It was a sixteenth birthday present from his redneck dad and he loves it more than any girl he's ever been with. This truck is his baby; fender dent, raised wheels, and all.

I hear Benji before he even pulls in my driveway.

I'm not doing great with Benji, Jacob, and Cayden lately. I went to the gym with them yesterday and told them that I'm dating Charlie. We were all pumping iron and Jacob dropped his weight, almost crushing his own foot. Typical of Benji, he started listing off hot girls from our school I could date instead. Cayden was silent through the whole ordeal because he already knew that I am in love with a boy ever since our mushroom trip in his basement. I left the gym angry, my muscles stiff because I ditched before I had time to stretch after my workout.

Standing on my front step, I cross my arms as Benji pulls up my driveway in his obnoxious truck. Everything is bad timing; Charlie is supposed to be here any minute to go to this ice cream place called Chip's Creamery with me. I wanted to take him on a real date, he was craving ice cream, and thus a plan was made.

My arms cross tighter as he cuts the admission and climbs out of his truck. "What, Benji?"

"Lucas." There's something off about his facial expression. Usually, he has a perpetual smirk, as if he finds everything hilarious all the time. Today there is a twitch in his cheek, and he's clenching his teeth in a way I've never seen before. "We need to talk."

"Yeah, like hell we do." I keep my rigid stance. "I'm not talking to you until you apologize for all that shit you said about me being half gay and needing to get with a girl. It's called being bisexual, you ignorant twat."

"Listen." He glances around as if there might be people listening in on us. "I need to talk to you about Charlie. I'm not gonna shout about this to the whole neighborhood, alright? Can you come a little closer?"

Suspiciously, I walk down the steps and down my driveway until I'm about two feet away from him. The cement is hot beneath my bare feet, but I hardly notice because I'm completely perturbed by the way Benji's eyes are darting around.

"What?" I demand.

"I-I saw something," Benji stutters. He's never stuttered before in his life, he always has quick answers and witty comebacks. "I saw some pictures of your boyfriend. On the internet."

"Charlie?" I don't understand. "Like, on Instagram?"

"No, Lucas." Benji finally looks at me. "I was at my weed dealer's house. Sometimes he helps me get other stuff. He gets me foreign films of women. I went there to get some video."

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