Not a chapter

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Sorry my peeps I hate doing ANs cuz I know how much it interupts people's reading and I promise I am working on the new chapter but guys. Deadass. It's been a few days since I started this. And this is shit. But THERES ALREADY 255 OF YOU WHO HAVE TAKEN YOUR TIME TO READ THIS LIKE WHAT.
I'm so happy and knowing people are reading and are enjoying reading whatever nonsense I wrote makes me motivated to write more so this is just my way of saying thank you guys, this number may be low to some people but it means the world to me. Thank you.

Also I wanna call you guys ducklings, I don't know why I just really love ducklings and I love you guys too so you are now my ducklings. Deal? Deal.

Welp ima continue working on the next chapter and I should have it out either tommorow or after tommorow- it really comes down to schedules

Anyway! I won't waste your time any longer so go enjoy doing whatever your doing and remember that you guys are amazing!!!!!!!

See ya in the next chapter my ducklingsssssssss


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