Chapter 13

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DAVID'S FACE COULD PASS for one that had just seen a ghost with flying colors.

"Surprise! Is that how you greet your fiance, who flew from Boston to LA to see you?"

David raked his fingers through his hair. The rising and falling of his chest, accompanied by rapid breaths, didn't escape Avery's eyes. Instead, she plastered on a smile, representing the opposite of what she felt inside. Finally, David threw his phone on the bed and jolted toward her with arms wide open. He gave her the tightest hug, followed by his signature soft and small kisses on her forehead, nose, and lips.

It stunned her—a devil's kiss

With her face on his shoulder and his arms still hugging her, she remembered the scenes in the parking lot. Her body trembled. The tears she tried so hard to hold fell. Her mind was too weak to fight her emotions. All the pain, anger, blame, and self-pity she had felt in the past hours turned her into a sobbing mess.

David slowly removed his arms around her and lifted her chin. "Why are you crying?" he asked softly, brushing her tears away. 

"I'm just so happy I'm here with you. I miss you." 

"Oh, babe! Sorry I didn't get the chance to call you today. I miss you too!" 

She looked him in the eye. How could he do this to her?

"Have you eaten? What time did you arrive? Why didn't you tell me? I should have picked you up at the airport." His voice was upbeat.

"Slow down, babe! We have all the time for your questions. I prank-messaged you, remember?" Her gaze was sharp. His eyes avoided hers.

"I thought you wrongly sent it."

"When I didn't get a reply, I called your office."

He frowned, his face turning pale. "You called the office? When? What time?"

"I talked to Sue. She said you were out. It was when I landed and decided whether to get a cab. But since you texted, you are out with a client..." She touched his jaw, moved her face toward his ears, and whispered, "I put things in my own hands. I don't want to disturb my busy fiance."

David's anxiety was overflowing. If there was one thing he didn't see coming in all his plans, it was Avery's surprise appearance. It relieved him, thinking she didn't arrive earlier. Little did he know she saw it all. Whatever his reasons were, the same reasoning would cause him to lose in the dangerous game he was playing—a possibility he hadn't considered from the start.

"I'm so glad you are here, babe. What do you want for dinner?" His body couldn't seem to hide his emotional state. He pulled her outside toward the suite's living area. Avery knew she got on his nerves with his hands shaking and his forehead creasing with sweat.

"Why don't we go for just coffee and pastries? I saw a cafe just across this building when I came today."

His eyes widened, and he looked nervous. "Yes, the coffee shop... in front. Are you sure you want coffee?"

"I'm sure, babe." She flashed her grinning smile. "Besides, I want to have you alone for myself. So when I saw the cafe, I thought it seemed hidden and peaceful."

David looked at Avery's face, trying to find anything in her expression. Her smile was the only thing he would see. "Sure, babe. Let's go."


Since they had a go-to cafe in Boston, David offered to make the order. While placing their order, Avery found the perfect spot for them. When he came to their table with their food, he found her opening the blinds, which revealed the parking lot only divided by the cafe's glass walls.

"Is it heavy? Your hands are shaking, babe." Avery took the tray from his hands.

David shook his head. "I'm just tired and hungry. Are there no other booths available?" His breathing was extended as he looked around the inside of the cafe.

Avery smiled. "I guess this is perfect! We have the view of the parking lot for ourselves."

He looked confused, his brow furrowing. "Take your seat." She saw his eyes glued to her as she served him his coffee and pastries. Avery wanted to make sure her face and actions weren't showing anything. But, instead, she was her usual jolly and charming self. He watched her serving his food first.

Avery was the same woman he fell in love with. Sweet, caring, charming, jolly, and innocent. She always made him feel he was the priority. Today was no exception. Maybe he wouldn't have wanted to be surprised by the surrounding circumstances. But her coming to see him despite her busy schedule and distance proved to him how much of a fucking asshole he was.

David realized how dangerous and complicated his situation was. Unconsciously, he raked his messy hair with both hands, elbows on the table.

"Are you okay? What's going on?" Avery lifted his chin, and worry was on her face. He held her hand as the other touched her face. "Nothing's wrong, babe. I guess I'm just exhausted." He placed her hand on his lips with his eyes, gazing at her face. He didn't want to lose her.

"Look at you. You looked tired and worried. What can I do to help? You can have me as your extra personal secretary while I'm here." She winked at him. Two could play this game.

"What did I do to deserve you, Ave?" She wasn't sure if it was the sadness she saw on his face. Her heart spoke volumes, but her mind knew better.

"Let me think... you have been the absolute fiance! You are loving, passionate about your work, and most importantly, honest!" Her eyes didn't leave his face. He gasped for air as his face turned pale white again.

When his phone rang, Avery saw a B flashing on the screen. She gave him her sweetest smile, pretending not to mind. His face froze. With his eyes on his phone, he was undecided about whether to answer the call.

"Are you not going to answer your call, babe?"

David shook his head multiple times. "It's my client from today. I always tell them not to call me beyond office hours."

"It must be important, then. Just answer it."

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

Avery's lips curved into a smile that reached her ears. "Yes, answer it... here. In front of me."



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