18. One Thing

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We tracked wet footprints through the lobby and into the elevator. The elevator ride was the most tense 30 seconds of my whole life. Electricity ran through us both as if we'd been struck by lightning instead of merely drenched by the rain.

At last the sluggish elevator reached the third floor with a reaffirming beep. Walking down the hallway, I held my breath as I counted down each numbered door. Butterflies flew around my stomach, making themselves at home.

My hand shook as I drew my keycard out of my pocket. It took me a few attempts, but I finally got the card to swipe and the door unlocked with a satisfying click. I peered up at Tommy. He was waiting patiently, but his eyes were dark and drawn with the thoughts of what was beyond the door.

We entered the dark room and before the door even had the chance to latch shut Tommy pushed me up against its cool surface and kissed me. And his lips were soft yet forceful like a starving man having his first meal in weeks.

Large calloused palms circled my waist. I ran my fingers across his stubble covered jaw then slid them into his hair, the slick tendrils slipping between my fingertips. His mouth breathed warmth back into me after being outside in the cold autumn for too long.

I stripped off my jacket without bothering to take my lips away from his. And then as if on autopilot slid my hands under the collar of the leather jacket Tommy wore like a second skin and slipped it off his broad shoulders. He let me remove the worn leather and it dropped to the floor in a heavy pile. He wrapped his freed arms around my waist, bringing me closer and aligning our damp bodies flush against each other. His tongue dipped into my mouth, sliding along my own until he elicited a moan from lips.

Gripping the hem of my shirt, he dragged the soaked fabric up over my head and let it fall to the floor too. The necklace that had been threatening to drop into my shirt all night lay cold against my skin, the small crystal charm nestled between my breasts. The delicate golden chain didn't go unnoticed. Tommy kissed my neck at the necklace's base and began to follow the chain downward. Light kisses trailed from the throat to my collar bone and then to the pale skin of my chest. He ran his lips over the top of my right breast teasing me before continuing back on his trail until he reached the crystal.

Once he reached the end, he licked the sensitive skin between my breasts then blew on the area to send goosebumps across my skin. My nipples were begging for his touch and he taunted me by running his warm hands up the sides up of my body until they rested firmly around my ribcage. His fingers trailed over the lace band of my bra, and I arched my back in a silent plea for him to explore further.

Instead his lips found mine again while his hands moved further south. His splayed fingers slid down the curves of my jean clad hips until he reached the backs of my thighs. Using the strength he'd built up from years of training in the Bureau and then on his own, he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his solid waist. I could feel him hard underneath the denim, straining to get to me.

As he deposited me on the unmade hotel bed, I refused to let him go. I kept my legs around him tight, forcing his hips into mine. I raked my nails up his back as I dragged his shirt upward exposing spatters of hair and scarred flesh.

"Easy," he warned with a laugh against my mouth.

Tommy's lips left mine and made their way down my jaw to my neck. My head rolled to the side, exposing the tender flesh for him to seize. I moaned as he drew his tongue across my collar bone. Then my eyes locked on a small object on the nightstand and I froze. The velvet ring box stared back at me.

I shut my eyes tight for a moment then turned back to Tommy. He yanked down my bra strap with his teeth.

My body responded to sudden movement toward my breasts . Unfortunately, my brain had other ideas.

"I can't," I said meekly.

Chest heaving, he paused over me. "What?" Then he drew back until our limbs were untangled and my face was in full view.

"I can't—we can't—'' I didn't know how to get the words out. "I'm getting married," I said finally.

He turned to sit off the edge of the bed and ran a hand over his face. "You're getting married," he repeated.

"I'm sorry," I offered.

Shaking his head, he said, "Don't be." The words sounded sincere, but his back to me was ice cold.

"Even if I wasn't getting married, we both know this was a mistake. We both know how this would end?" Sitting up, I reached out a hand to rub his back.

"And how's that?"

Before I made contact, I let my hand fall. "I really don't want to drag up the past, Tommy."

Tommy stood up to face me, and the warm sun that had just embraced me was gone. "Okay," he said solemnly. "But I want you to think about one thing."

I didn't have time to answer before his lips were back on mine. It was a kiss so deep, I thought he may suck the life right out of me. And then he was gone.

The snap of the door was deafening, and in the silence I rolled over to stare at the off-white curtains. Another night spent alone in the dark disappointed by Tommy Ortega. Worst of all, I was more disappointed in myself. 

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