Chapter 5

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Kyler was furious that Maddox had tried to take Ensley from him. He hoped Chase did not find Maddox because Kyler might kill him as angry as he was right now. While the thought was satisfying, he knew that would not be best for his pack or the Black Flint pack. Not to mention the war it would start. He wondered what Ensley meant when she said he was just as bad as Maddox and her family. Must be something to do with the mines. He would ask her later. Kyler mind linked with Chase and told him to meet him back at the packhouse so they could discuss what to do next.

They decided that Zach and a guard would stay with Ensley at the house or wherever she went. He told Chase to have Hannah plan the Luna ceremony and hold it by the end of the week. He wanted that ceremony over and done with.

Kyler headed back to his house. He found Ensley in bed, curled up tightly in the top blanket. Whether or not she was asleep, she did not stir when he peeked in the room. Kyler closed the door when he really wanted to go in there and fuck her until there was no room left in her heart or mind for anyone but him. Obviously, she would not leave him. She had her chance and instead of taking it; she called out to him to save her. Why?

There was work in his office waiting on him, and he had a few more meetings before dinner tonight. He was thankful the afternoon passed quickly; he wanted to talk to Ensley again about what happened today with Maddox.

Arriving back home, he smelled pizza. Sitting around his living room were Zach, Andy, the other guard, Hannah, Chase, and his Luna. She was laughing at something Chase told her as he walked inside. Carefree and happy, she was breathtaking. He wanted her to smile at him like that. She rose from the couch when she noticed him.

"Kyler." Her voice was all breathy and soft. Her blue eyes penetrating his.

"Hi, Ensley, and everyone else." Kyler smiled at her and nodded at the others. He assumed Zach told her he and Andy would be her guards since they were here. She did not seem upset at all with what happened today or about having guards. He sat down on the couch next to where she had been sitting.

"I'll get you some pizza." Ensley said. She joined him on the couch a few moments later with a plate of pizza, a napkin, and a drink. Sitting down next to him, she folded her legs up on the couch. Ensley turned her body toward him so she was touching him. She bent her knees, pressing them against his thigh. Even that small amount of touch was soothing to him and his wolf. Maybe she needed it, too? Kyler felt guilty for ignoring his mate and trying to keep a distance between them. Though he did it to protect his heart.

"Your friends were just telling me all about you." Ensley giggled.

"Not too much, I hope." Kyler looked pointedly at Chase and Zach.

"Nothing bad." Zach laughed. "Just that time, right after we graduated and you..."

The guys turned on one another, telling funny stories about each other and stupid things they had done together over the years. The night was fun and relaxing. Kyler was thankful that Ensley was here to share it with him. Kyler shut the door on the last person to leave. He leaned against the closed door.

"That was a fun night." Kyler stared at Ensley.

"It was. I liked getting to know your friends better." She took a step closer to him and placed her hands on his chest. "I liked getting to know you better, most of all."

Kyler stood still as a statue, looking down at her. It took everything in him not to scoop her up and take her to his bed.

When he did not move or say anything. Ensley removed her hands and turned around and left the room without a word. He heard the door to her room slam shut. Damn. He banged on the door with his fists. Turning, he yanked the door open and shifted, shredding his clothes, he took off running at full speed. Kyler had to control his wolf. His wolf wanted to turn around and find his mate. Kyler wanted the same thing but held out because she loves another. He was not into sharing anything, especially Ensley's heart.

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