Next stop kyoto!!

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Issei after putting on his most famous Miyuverse shirou outfit and realizing god has chosen him as his successor he decided to to ask him a question.

Issei: okay we should fortify the defenses of Kyoto it would seem they would need it the most Right?

God: correct, here I'll lend you a power that should fix that.

New power unlocked!!

Arc of Embodiment: a form of Lost Magic that allows the caster to materialize, and subsequently use to their every whim, anything they can imagine. Any of their creations give them great versatility both in and out of combat. They can range anywhere from everyday objects

Issei: that is op as fuck!!

God: indeed it is. Fitting for someone like me and you who just wants the world to be in peace dont you think?

Issei: very true. we should get going. No time should be wasted standing around.

God: Agreed.

Issei summons vimana and heads straight to kyoto although some rogue devils would be dispatched by gate of babylon.

Issei: sorry I got more important things to do.

After a few hours he arrived and he would be immediately be greeted by a little girl with fox tails.

Kunou: issei hyoudou?

Issei: that's me. May I ask who you are?

The girl after staring for a few moments responded.

Kunou: my name is kunou the daughter of the leader of the Kyoto faction Yasaka.

Issei: it's nice to meet you Kunou, tell me is your mother around?

Kunou nods and beckons hin to follow her, she explained the situation about a group of humans came and took her and she hasn't been seen since.

Issei narrows his eyes suspicion thinking of a certain group the four satans were talking about.

Issei: this group wouldn't happen to be called the "Hero faction" wouldn't it?

Kunou: your correct. We've seen some rogue fallen Angels scouting the yokai faction from afar but that was a rude to get yasaka all alone to capture her....please I beg of you save my mother!!

Issei pats her on the head to assure her and replies-

Issei: dont worry I'll make sure your mother gets back home to you safe and sound I promise you that.

Kunou eyes started to get teary and gives issei the biggest hug she could muster

Issei class up a few friends charlotte and rin asks him do they know yasaka's last location.

Rin: it would seem she was last heard up in the mountains in the west.

Charlotte continues the conversation by saying

Charlotte: there were taking about releasing her kyuubi form, for what reason we havent fount out about.

Issei: okay, I'll head to her last location and you guys see about those heroes snooping around, the will most likely come after Kunou next.

Issei contacts azazel and explains the situation

Azazel: I see...I will contact serafall and see is she has anymore information. She might be able to send you some back up.

Issei: alright I'll continue to scout the place and report back to you.

He ends the call and floats in place on vimana and continues to would seem that that moved locations so he moved to the east and finds magic circle engraved in the ground and the trees.

Issei: it seems there was some magic practiced here. But why would they choose here and...wait why is it so quiet?

Issei looks in the distance to see a group of people who seemingly looks like their chanting something

Issei: I should say hello.

Issei traces his nameless bow and caladbolg and has a emotionless look on his face blue lightning like energy surging around him.

Issei traces his nameless bow and caladbolg and has a emotionless look on his face blue lightning like energy surging around him

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He yells out from the mountain top.

Issei: my core is twisted in madness!! CALADBOLG!!

The streak of blue would seemingly go mach 10 and the stray magicians who would look up to try to defend themselves but it was too late.

After completely destroying their plans issei would quickly teleport to see what really was going on.

Issei: how did they know I was there..this was nothing but a diversion

He would be cut off by a howl in the distance and turns to see a golden fox

Issei: well there my answer for where she is. But where is the members of the hero faction at? Well whatever, I should head over to the giant fox it seems that is Yasaka.

He can't use vimana since yasaka could  see the golden aircraft as a threat so he would have to go on foot maybe he can see the perpetrators that way.

Issei: well might as well get going, hopefully I can convince one of them to stop this madness I dont want to kill humans unless I have too. I believe they are misguided but I can put them back on the right path.

A/N: Do you guys want issei in his muramasa outfit or his miyuverse shirou outfit?

Im still on break, but I saw over 11,000 people reading this and I have to get this chapter out as a thank you, you guys are the best!!

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