Chapter 31 || Thalia

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Thalia watched in horror at the two boys at the top of the building. This time, blades didn't fail them as they sliced. Blood trickled down the bricks, staining the building like paint. Mark's sword clattered to the floor, shattering into a million pieces at their feet. That's when they saw the gun pointed at them.

"Guys, duck!" Thalia yelled, but before they could get hit, Percy kicked Mark out of the way, the bullet imbedding itself in his foot.

"PERCY, YOU OKAY?!" Annabeth screamed up, but by the sound of fighting, they all knew Percy couldn't hear them.

That's when Mark pushed Percy off and Percy grabbed Mark's leg, pulling him down, too.


Everything seemed to go in slo-mo as the two people fell. While Mark died at their feet, some of his organs splatting along the alley's walls--disgusting, by the way--Percy managed to grab onto a small ledge on the fifth story, breaking his fingers, but he managed to do some bendy tricks as he got back down on the floor safely. At this point, a large vehicle had pulled up, people getting out of it. Thalia's mind froze as she realized it was Jason, Frank, Piper, Leo, Hazel, and Clarisse.

"Come on!" Percy groaned a little. "We've gotta get out of here before Mark's gang shows up!"

"But... But--"

"No!" Percy silenced her. "Get in the truck! They'll explain everything!"

"Percy, you're hurt--"

"F**k that!" Percy opened the door. "GET IN!"

They all got in, Percy collapsing in the seat next to them, clearly out of breath.

"Gods..." he panted.

"You did good, Jackson!" Leo punched Percy's good shoulder as if Percy wasn't covered in blood.

"Are you guys hurt?" Percy asked them and Thalia's eyes widened.

"Are we hurt?! No, you dumbass! We were fine because you did all your... crazy mumbo jumbo!" 

"Then no," Percy sighed.

"Why did you bring us in here? What's about to happen?"

"This is the whole reason why I went missing and why I kinda left you guys," Percy winced as the car shook slightly. "You get to know now. But it's about your parents. And the thing I can tell you is that Mark was right when he said your parents are still alive. Our parents are all still alive."

"How do you know this?" Annabeth demanded.

"I actually kinda already knew when I looked at you guys," Percy said, his eyes fluttering slightly as he fought the urge to go to sleep. "I mean... your gray eyes, Thalia's electric blue eyes... Nico and his emo-gothness... It was pretty obvious."

"What was obvious?! Percy, you can't just--"

"We're here," Jason said. "Come on, Perce. We've gotta get you to the infirmary."

They were in front of a mansion.

"Whoa..." they all breathed.

"Move it, kids!"

They all rushed into the house, sitting down on the couch. They could see Percy limping into the infirmary, the medics already rushing to help.

"So... let's start off." Grover sat down. "I know this may seem crazy... but the Greek gods were real."


"Hey, hey," Grover said. "Now, the Greek gods planned for their downfall, so they attached their souls onto individuals who were destined to live in a greater day when times were better. Your parents... are reincarnations of gods."


"I was expecting that..." Grover chuckled. "You're actually taking this a lot better than Percy did. Anyways... your parents own everything in the world. They run all the companies and basically keep the world in line so it doesn't fall apart. The bad news is that their enemies also found a way to get reincarnated. So... we have the--"

"Titans and giants," Nico said. "They're lead by Kronos and Gaea."

"Correct... How'd you know?"

"My sister and I used to play Mythomagic together..." Nico winced. "She's dead... now."

"I'm sorry," Grover said. "Anyways, the Olympians are also spies and assassins, well... they're former spies and assassins. But who does all the spy work and killing? Their children who've joined the organization."

"So..." Thalia trailed off, almost knowing what was going to happen.

"Percy is an Olympian. A spy, assassin, and he basically already 'owns' a business."

"No way..." Annabeth shook her head.

"It's why he wanted to keep his distance from you. He was scared that if he got close, they'd think you were important to him and tried to target you to target him. Percy's the most powerful Olympian member we've seen in centuries--yes, your parents found a way to immortality--and that means he has a lot of enemies."

"This just seems... so unreal..." Nico whispered.

"Yeah... but it's real, dude. Your parents kept their distance for the same reason. To keep you safe. But I can't tell you more because you're not apart of the Olympians."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if you join the Olympians, that'd mean you're all in training to become spies and assassins, and you'll learn about your specific facility."

"If we don't join?"

"You won't be let in, left to the Anti-Olympians to either be recruited or killed... and if you were recruited... you'd have to fight against Percy."

"I join," they all said at once.

"Good..." Grover sighed, passing them wristwatches that were similar to the ones Percy and his friends were wearing. "We're at war. It's why we can't train or explain things to you properly and you'll just have to go with it. No time to isolate you. Percy can probably mentor you... but it'll be pretty tough. Gaea and Kronos are becoming more powerful."

"That's good news..." Annabeth muttered.

"I guess... Percy can give you the tour tomorrow when he's all patched up. I assume you wanna see him--"

"Can we?" Annabeth pleaded.

"Yeah," Grover sighed. "But I'm warning you, he's in a private room right now to get the bullet out of his foot."

"Got it," they said before dashing in.

When they got in, other people were being laid down on beds, carried by stretchers. There were various bottles of different colors laying on the shelves, different creams stored in different tubes and even jars, even some nice piano music to lighten the "I'm injured" mood.

That's when Percy was wheeled out on a cot, foot bandaged up, nose in a splint, bandages everywhere, a few finger splints, and a cast on his leg with a clavicle brace for what appeared to be a broken collarbone.

"Percy!" she rushed over, sitting down by his side immediately.

"Wise Girl..." Percy murmured groggily, his sea-green eyes looking at her.

"We had to put some minor anesthesia on him," Will explained as he came over. "It was just to help with the pain during the surgery. But I suggest you let him rest for a little bit."

Annabeth held his hand as Percy's gaze flitted around before landing on Thalia, then to her.

"Annabeth?" he asked.

"Yes, it's me, Percy..." She rubbed circles on the back of his hand. "You were very brave."

"No taco, bro..." Percy mumbled before saying the words Thalia wanted to hear for a life time. "I love you, Wise Girl."

With that, Percy was asleep, his breath gently ruffling his hair. Thalia's mouth was open in a tiny grin.

"I love you, too, Seaweed Brain..." Annabeth whispered, kissing him on the forehead.

We Olympians (A Percy Jackson AU) || BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now