14. Coke, collars, and cuddles

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Annika couldn't concentrate on a damn thing without thoughts of Caia flooding her mind. But now wasn't the time, not when she was working. When she was surrounded by her subordinates at the club. She hated being there. Hated being away from Caia and Hallie. It was meant to be a quick visit, to attend to urgent matters, before going home.

But the plan went awry.

A shipment of drugs had somehow gone missing, and the men who were meant to deliver them hadn't been seen or heard from in days.

"How much money have we lost?" Annika asked.

"A lot," said her second in command, Sebastian. He had been Michael's close friend. At the time, Annika had been under the impression he was the manager of Luxe. In many ways he was, but he also coordinated every other part of Michael's business.

"What's a lot?" Annika snapped.

"About fifteen mil."

Annika sighed. "Any sign it was the cops?"

"No. I think it's more likely it was stolen."

"That volume of coke doesn't just disappear," she said, then swore under her breath. She didn't need this right now. Not when she wanted to distance herself as far from this world as possible. Not when she had been holding Caia in her arms that morning when she got the call to come to the club.

The night before had been perfect. Caia was a fast learner, and in only a few days, had managed to figure out exactly what Annika wanted from her. Of course, she still fell out of line occasionally, but Annika was certain it was on purpose. Caia loved the sting of hot wax on her back too much for it not to be.

She couldn't shake the image of Caia kneeling at her feet, willingly wearing the leather collar she had put on her. She had whimpered upon seeing it, tilting her head back to grant Annika better access to her neck.

Caia managed to wear it for half the night before getting uncomfortable. As punishment for swearing at Annika when she refused to let her reach climax, she had spent two hours of the night sleeping at the bottom of the bed, under the blankets, curled up with her head on Annika's thigh. It had been enough to drive Annika crazy. She had run her hand through Caia's hair, tugging on the collar every now and then. It was almost too much. She was tempted to claim her at that point. To give her the full attention she had been fantasising about. Of not just controlling Caia, but touching her, and allowing her to do the same.

But that would be a mistake. Because Annika was in love with Caia, and knew that if they had sex, the kind where they were both equal and able to touch one another, she'd be powerless to stop her emotions from rising to the surface.

She leant her head down, rubbing at her temples. "Get Victor to put his men onto it," she said to Sebastian, who had waited in silence while she thought. "I don't want any of this getting out. Especially no cops. If they can't find them without being discreet, just let it go."

"But An, that's a lot of—"

"I know it's a lot of money. It's a lot of my money. But I can't afford any attention falling on me or my business. If you can find them, good, if not, well..." She conjured up her most evil of smirks. "We'll find them eventually, with or without my product."

He gave a sharp nod, before turning to leave.

"Oh, and Sebastian. Any word from that little runt, Daniel?"

"He's almost paid in full. We're expecting the last ten thousand in a few days."

"Good. Once he's paid up, give him a nice punch to the gut for me and tell him I'll cut off his hand if he does anything remotely like this again. Oh, and tell him I've absorbed the girl's debt to him. She's mine now."

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