Ch 10

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Zak's Pov

"Ugh, shit..."

I woke up on the floor. I was confused about where I was. I looked up and everything was gone except for the floor I was laying on. I slowly sat up and looked around but there was nothing. I rubbed my eyes... still nothing? Am I dreaming? I heard some footsteps and wiped my head in the direction it was coming from and I see Darryl walking my way. I jolt to my feet as fast as I could and staggered my way to him. "Bad! I'm so-" As I step off the floor and into the darkness I didn't feel anything under my feet and I began to fall but something caught me and moved me back on the platform. I looked up and it was Bad. He sat me down and knelt in front of me. He looked so sad and tired even though he was trying to smile at me. He reached his hand out and placed it on the side of my face and I followed by laying my hand on top of his and leaning into the touch. We stayed like this for a few seconds before he smiled wider though still seeming weak as he started to cry. "B-Bad I-" He got up moving his hand away, leaving me feeling empty without the touch, and he started walking past me. I watched him as he walked and flowers appeared in his hand. He stopped at something and I peered around Bad's body and my heart sank. He stopped at a gravestone the said: " Son - Brother - Friend  Here lies Zak Ahmed". Darryl dropped to the ground and started sobbing hysterically. He gripped the flowers tightly as if he couldn't bear letting them go as he cried. I crawled to the end of the platform and reached out knowing I'm too far to reach him. "Please Darryl, stop I'm right here! Look at me!" He didn't move instead he cried out, "This is my fault, I'm so sorry, Skeppy! I just wanted to help you!" I started to cry myself desperate for him to stop crying. "No! It's not your fault! I did this! It was me! I did this to you! Please, I'm sorry! I'm right here!" I still got no response from him, instead he placed the flowers down and as he started to turn around and look at me roses started to appear around him and quickly spread to me the more he turned until all you can see was roses and us. However, I did not look at the flowers instead I kept my eye contact with him, Darryl. Tear still flown from both of our eyes. I spoke up from the silence, "Why am I so selfish.." I croaked as my vision went black.

"Ugh, shit.." I woke up on the floor of the treehouse. I was lying in a small pool of blood and flowers. I sat up and I had a splitting headache. I had blood all over my hoodie so I was glad that I would leave clothes here. I looked out the window and noticed it was pretty dark and that scared me. I grabbed my phone to check the time and found Bad had been calling and texting me seeing where I was and if I was ok and series of apologies that he did not deserve to say. It was 9 pm and I started to freak out more I've been gone for most of the day! 

I quickly got up and went to find clothes to put on. As I changed I noticed something on my skin. Rosebuds were growing on my skin! They were around my stomach and one on my leg. I was scared out of my mind. I thought this couldn't have been happening! I tried to rip them out but they wouldn't budge and it was extremely painful. I just prayed more wouldn't have come and continued to change and head home but unfortunately, I would learn my prayers were not heard.  After I left I rushed as fast as I could back home and busted through the door. "Darryl?" I cried.

I spot him on the floor next to the couch, looking at me with red puffy eyes, his knees to his chest, and his phone clutched tightly in his hand. I remember running towards him and apologizing to him a million times and saying how much of a dick I was and that he didn't deserve that. He looked at me blankly before saying, " please, tell me what's wrong, zak."

Everything in my body told me to just tell him. To stop being selfish. To stop hurting him. But I couldn't. I started to cry and hug him tightly, I held him for a few seconds before he started to cry as well and hug me back. I managed to say one word that night, "soon." I whispered

And that's what I planned to do. It's been a few days since then. I'm honestly surprised I am still alive. It's been two weeks and tomorrow will make it the third. Rocco went back to my sisters. Ever since that day Bad and I have been somewhat distant. I noticed he's been afraid to touch me and at night instead of sleeping in my bed like we've been doing he would stay on the floor and watch me. I would usually say some snarky remark bout how that was creepy, but we've both been through a lot and I think I should lay off. He has been getting better though. We started to talk a little more and he's touching me more often which makes me happy. I also caught him wearing one of my hoodies, I thought it was adorable. It's fair though, we both didn't know he was going to stay this long. He's lucky I wear oversize stuff. I'm going to tell him soon though. Maybe today...

"You're ready to go?" Someone said to me. I looked up to see Darryl, he was carrying bags of clothes that he bought so he wouldn't have to wear my clothes anymore which made me kinda disappointed because I like seeing him in them. 

"Oh yeah, hold on," I said as I closed my journal and walked to him grabbing some of his bags.

As we walked out the doors I looked around to see if I remember where I parked my car. As I did so I felt arms wrap around me and embrace me. Butterflies rush in my stomach in a swarm. "Tell him, tell him, tell him!" My head repeated it over and over again. I wasn't even sure if this was the right time but if I didn't say it I don't think I ever will. It was now or never!

Adrenaline kicked in as I grabbed Darryl so that I can look at him. "Bad! I need to tell you something!"

[To be continued >:D]


I'm sorry for the short chapter. But here is the climax of this story!! do you think he will confess or not????



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