Chapter 21

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Since we now have all the allies we need we begin planning for our first attack. We plan to make it small but deadly. We purchased a few bombs but each are powerful enough to kill everyone in an entire base. We plan to bomb three bases. The three main ones.

Everyone is walking in and out of rooms. Men from all the mafias I claimed are helping sort out everything. I stand in front of a map of all the bases Josh owns and runs. We also marked the location of popular business meeting spots for him and other places he owns.

As the bases get bombed there will also be small attacks going on inside of the clubs and restaurants. We have hand selected men for the jobs. Koa stands by my side and helps me make decisions. Jake is also here helping too.

We spend the whole day in the room going over different plans and ideas. I stand with my hands leaning on the table staring at the maps. Koa is in the corner with his arms crossed looking tense. Jake is sitting in a chair eating popcorn with his shirt slightly unbuttoned at the top.

"Why don't we just blow them all up and then shoot the ones who don't die?" Popcorn falls out of Jakes mouth as he speaks.

I shake my head and laugh a little, "We don't have enough bombs for that and we don't have the money to buy more."

"I say we act as if we are dragging this out. Make it long and miserable. Josh will play along. Then as we make small attacks Josh will be to focused on what we are doing right in front of him to notice us infiltrating his mafia. Once we have infiltrated Koa and I will go in kill Josh while you, Jake, run a big attack on this base," I point to a base of the map, "right here. He will be looking the other direction as
we kill him."

"I like that idea," Koa speaks up for the first time.

Jake groans, "Yes. Great idea. You guys go play hero while I am your decoy doing the equivalent to nothing!"

"Perfect we all agree," I give Jake a sweet smile.

"Let's get everyone out of the house now. It's almost three in the morning. We can explain everything and put final touches on the plan tomorrow," Koa walks out of the room and begins telling people to leave.

Jake salutes us both before taking his men and leaving. By the time everyone is gone and it's just Koa and I, it's almost four in the morning.

We silently head to our room where we lay down. Koa is still as tense as he was during all the meetings and planning today.

He is laying on his stomach so I roll over and sit my butt on his.

"What are you doing?" Koa tries to roll over but I stop him.

"You are tense. I'm giving you a massage," I start by digging my thumbs into the area at the bottom of his neck earning a groan from him. I continue to massage al over his back and down his shoulders until he begins to really loosen up. "What's bothering you?"

"Right now it's the fact that you're on my butt," Koa says into the pillow. I move myself off of his butt and sit next to him. "I'm just nervous about the war between our mafias," Koa turns and faces me as he speaks, "We have a good, solid plan but...I just never know with Josh. Also." Koa sighs and trails off.

"Also you don't want to have to kill Josh. He's your brother of course you don't and we don't have to. We can hold him prisoner instead or brainwash him," I give Koa an amused smile.

Koa grabs my hips and moves so I am sitting on his chest.

"You didn't like me sitting on your butt but you are okay with me sitting on your-"

"Face. Sit on my face," Koa cuts me off and gives me a devils grin.

"Koa I am not going to-" I gasp as he smacks me ass. "Koa Lombardi!"

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