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Rue didn't want to hurt Clara. But also, she wanted the girl to suffer.

She knew she shouldn't want to take revenge on the girl, but this secret part of her wanted to make her suffer. Nick had been very begrudgingly called away on some counselor duty, so it was just Ziggy and Rue now.

They bribed a small boy with candy, telling him to give the note to Clara. For candy, he was more than happy to do it. And when he came back to them and confirmed his delivery, the smile on his face when the candy was put into his hands made Rue smile as well.

"Have fun!" She yelled after him as he ran away, saying something about how his friends were gonna be so jealous.

Rue missed that.

She missed when Clara was the first person she ran to whenever anything went wrong, she missed being the first person Clara ran too.

She missed Clara, but she hated that she did.

She managed to put a smile on her face, pulling on her acting pants. She had been her new script, her new performance of this character. She was an actress, and she would play her role to perfection.

Ziggy and her hid in the stall next to the trap, and the both of them held onto a rope. At Ziggy's genuine happiness, Rue couldn't help but let a small bit of her own happiness shine through her mask.

They heard the door open, and Rue almost let out a giggle in anticipation. Ziggy clamped a hand over her mouth, smiling lightly. Soft footsteps coming up the steps.

It was happening, it really was. Rue was getting her revenge.

"Rue?" Clara asked, trying to sound genuine. But Rue knew her too well, she could hear the smirk in her voice, vision the crooked smile on her face. "Have you finally realized you want me back?" Rue's suspicions were confirmed. But she also heard something else in Clara's voice. Hope. Rue shuddered and kept her grip on the rope.

They had put a small trail of flowers, leading towards the middle stall where the trap was.

Clara opened it, before speaking again.

"Come on babe, come out, come out, wherever you are..." She sang as she picked up the note left on the seat. "Aw. A note. Were you too scared to tell me in person? That's okay."

Rue could barely contain herself. Clara was getting what she deserved.

"Look up?" Clara mumbled to herself before doing what the card said and looking up.

Ziggy held up 3 fingers. 2 fingers. 1.

On one, they dropped the slimy, writhing, nasty bugs all over the girl. She screeched and screamed, trying to get them all out. Ziggy grabbed Rue's hand, tugging her towards the exit. They were laughing as they left, and Ziggy jammed a screwdriver into the door handle, they ran away after that, towards the Science and Nature Room.

"Did you hear her?" Rue laughed, looking towards Ziggy.

"She sounded like a frog,"

"I thought it was more like a dying cat trying to sing opera, but," They both laughed and Rue suddenly could notice how pretty Ziggy looked.

She found herself staring at the girl, but pushed the thought out her mind. She seemed to be excusing a lot of thoughts about Ziggy lately, and Rue couldn't be bothered to really care about them. She didn't like Ziggy, she wasn't allowed too. Not because Ziggy was a girl, but because she needed time to get over Clara. She didn't think she did, but society was painting her as a fragile girl who couldn't even be touched. She wished to be able to take the paintbrush, to tell her own story, but she is just the painting. Rue isn't an artist. Rue is a mess of colors waiting to be manipulated into something that seems so beautiful, but is just a metaphor for something rotten.

𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 // 𝙯𝙞𝙜𝙜𝙮 𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣Where stories live. Discover now