Chapter 3🖤

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A few hours later we are still in the car and I just finished my book, I love getting lost in a good romance book, it gives me hope to one day find love.

It's raining pretty bad Courtney keeps complaining that it's difficult to see the road, she must be driving 15 miles under the speed limit. The speed limit is 55 so I would guess and say we are going around 45, maybe even 40?

"I can drive," Kara tells her unbuckling her seat belt.

"What? No, you drive too fast, you will crash us into the ditch within seconds. Hell no. My parents just brought me this car" Courtney tells her shaking her head.

"Well we both know Izzy can't drive, she doesn't even have her damn permit yet. Probably couldn't see the road either with how blind she is" Kara huffs.

Ouch. Well yeah, it's not my fault I haven't taken my permit test yet, that costs money, and I just don't have any additional to throw around at the moment. They always made certain to let me know how much of an inconvenience it was to pick me up and bring me home from school.

They always seem to be able to make these mean comments, it's like they have some stored away inside their brain for later use.

Rolling my eyes at them I lean my head back on the seat trying to block them out. Only a few hours left in the car with them I can do it, but then what? What will I do? I'll need to find a job that offers more money hourly than what I'm making now, so I'll be capable of at least affording myself a small apartment.

It really does suck to be alone. I wish I had one person that cares about me. Court and Kara maybe my friends, but I really don't truly believe they care about me. Not like they care for one another.

"How long does it say it will rain for?" Asks, Courtney.

Kara checks the weather app on her phone and says "All night". Must be lucky to be able to do more than just call or text on their phones.

I sound so jealous right now and I guess I kind of am. I would love to be like a normal teenager for once. Well I am not exactly a teenager anymore, but you know what I meant.

Courtney huffs in a loud voice and leans closer to the steering wheel trying to see the road better, I guess.

"This is horrible. The rains coming down too hard, I can't even see the lines on the road" Courtney complains." Like at all."

"Just drive slow," I tell her. It's raining. How hard could it be to drive in for god's sake? "Put your defrost on Court. The window is too fogging, that's probably why you can not see."

Common sense is just to drive slowly, that way if you hit a water pocket on the road it won't be so bad.

"I AM. You're not helping sitting back there" Courtney snaps loudly at me.

Well jeez.

I was only offering some smart advice. It's raining so driving slow would be safer than just blazing down the road.

That is exactly what she is doing. The car is going at least forty five but with how heavy the rain is falling, we should be going a lot less faster. Slowing down would also help the windshield, the rain would hit slower and maybe we would be able to see.

"Fine," I tell her and close my eyes. " I was just trying to help you." I, huffed.

"You do not even have a car, Izzy! How in the hell are you going to help me?" Courtney screeched, making my ears ring.

Jesus the dramatics, all the time.

"Because Court even though I do not have a car, I studied so that I would be ready when I am able to afford one." I tell her.

Just because I can't afford one doesn't mean I don't know what I am talking about.

I may have never driven before but I do know about car safety.

"I still can't believe Chad cheated on you Court," Kara says, changing the subject.

Even though Kara makes those hurtful comments too, she does always end up breaking up me and Courts arguments. She doesn't say anything about the fight, but at least she will change the subject.

I guess that counts for something.

"I know. Does he know how lucky he was to even get with me? I went below my belt with him" Courtney says, but I can hear her voice break at the end. "All of his friends want me. I should date one of them."

She did like that boy. She called me crying the other day before graduation after it happened.

"He will shit himself after you tell him what you did this weekend" Kara giggle while digging into her purse.

"You think I should tell him?" Courtney asks her, taking her eyes off the road for a second.

"Hell, yes. Make his heart hurt. He deserves that, at least" Kara informs her.

"You know he slept with Angela the other night?" Kara asked her.

"What did he do?" Screetchs Courtney "He called me last night, begging me to take him back. I can't believe I told him I would think about it."

"That's what Sean told me the other night," Kara says and shrugs.

"How does Sean know?" Courtney asks her, while looking at her again.

But Kara doesn't get to answer her as the car hits a deep pocket of water on the road and the car goes shooting off the road.

"Watch out" I scream grabbing onto my seat belt, making sure it's locked tightly around me.

"Oh shit, I can't control it" Courtney cries as we hit the ditch hard before the car shoots up the other side smashing into a tree and that's the last thing I see before my head is tossed to the side and I hit it hard against the window before passing out.

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