3 - clouded judgment

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Amy was right about the jacket-thing.

You'd think that, in the ~100 years since Saint Constantine School for Hurls was founded, they'd have adapted the uniforms to withstand the cold Vermont weather. No dice, though— apparently our pleated skirts are more important than our blood circulation.

The sun clings desperately onto the horizon as I quietly trail behind Amy. The crunch of leaves in her wake is a more helpful guide than the dim streetlights dotting the curbside around us. I watch my breath materialize in front of me, not daring to question where we're going. I'm thankful she's even giving me another chance after the muck I caused when we met.

It's as if she has read my mind because, at that moment, Amy says, "We're meeting a friend of mine. It's only another block, by the English building. You'll like him."


Before I can ask, Amy rounds a corner. In the murky distance, a figure leans against the brick of one of Constantine's more updated buildings, the English department. A small ring of light hovers near his hand, and a cloud puffs out from his mouth, distinctly thicker than the ones caused by the cold night air.

"The one and only, Charlie Dalton!" Amy calls out, startling the boy. He jumps, recovering quickly. He tries to play it off as intentional; it clearly wasn't.

"Amy Drewitt, mi amor," He drawls, taking a long drag out of the cigarette in his hand.

That explains the cloud.

"Who's the friend?" the boy (Charlie, I presume) asks, nodding in my direction. He blows the smoke in my face and I wince.

Amy begins to introduce me, but I cut in. "I'm Ivy, Amy's new roommate. And you are?—" The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. I cringe at myself; I don't know why I asked. Amy already announced his name.

Charlie places the cigarette back in his teeth, eyes lit with amusement. "Charlie Dalton, but I'm sure you already knew that. I'm a bit of a legend around these parts."

"If by 'these parts' you mean your own mind, then sure, Dalton. Y'got an extra?" Amy holds out her hand and Charlie rolls his eyes, reaching into his pocket. He produces a pack of Marlboro Reds and hands her one.

She continues to stare, the cig sitting between her fingers.

"What, I've gotta do everything? You want me to smoke it for you, too?" he complains. Nonetheless, Charlie reaches back into his slacks and pulls out a lighter, using his other hand to block the wind as he lights the cigarette.

"You'd think Welton would've made you more gentlemanly by now." She sucks in the smoke, strengthening the glow on the end facing me. Amy settles against the wall beside Charlie. I continue to stand awkwardly, not sure what to say next.

"Shit! Amy, where are my manners?" He smacks his palm against his forehead before cocking his head in my direction. "You want one, Ivy? It's a lot harder to come by these at Constantine than it is at Hellton."

Before I can answer, Amy nudges him in the ribs. "It's day one, Charlie. We can't corrupt her yet. Give it a few weeks." She smirks, looking me up and down.

I suddenly feel a lot more self-conscious than before. I'd disagree with her, but the smell of secondhand smoke is already making me lightheaded, so I decide to let it go. There'll be time to fight this battle later.

"He's right though," she adds, "—smokes are a lot rarer at Constantine. That's why I keep him around. I gotta get my supplies somehow."

Charlie dramatically drapes his hand across his chest, feigning pain. He receives another jab from Amy before dropping his cigarette butt and crushing it under his loafer.

"I've gotta get back soon. Nolan's still got his eye on me after your little stunt last year," Charlie sighs. Amy shoots him a glare and subtly gestures towards me.

"Does she not know?" he asks, and Amy shakes her head. Charlie grins wildly. "Oh, that's golden. Is she new or something? There's no way anyone on this side of the Mississippi didn't hear about it."

"Finish your thought, Dalton," Amy retorts, smothering her urgency in a thick layer of sarcasm. "You're not the only one with a curfew to keep."

"Right," he says, shaking his head. "I've gotta go, but we've got to hang out again soon. The guys miss you." He leans in closer to Amy and whispers, "There's this new dude, Todd. You'd get a kick outta him. He's quieter than a mouse and, like, surgically-attached to Neil. It's hilarious."

"Neil? Why Neil?" Amy asks, taking a final drag from her cigarette before dropping it and stomping on it as well.

"Neil got stuck rooming with him." He shoves his hands in his pockets. "I mean, he's alright, I guess. Just quiet. Barely spoke a word when Knox, Meeks, and I were in there."

Amy glances over at me. "Yeah, I'd know a thing or two about weird roommates." I start to protest, but she cuts me short. "I'm kidding. You've gotta learn to take a joke, Ivy."

She turns to Charlie and raises the back of her hand to her forehead, miming a damsel in distress. "Parting is such sweet sorrow, dearest, but we will be reunited. Probably when I run out of smokes."

He grins. "That's how we work."

Amy pushes off of the wall and loops her arm in mine. "We've got to go, Charlie, but call over once you figure out a time for everyone to meet up. I should be in the dorms anytime after 7 pm."

"Alright. Bye." He sends us off with a two-finger salute and slickly turns on his heels, only stumbling a little.

Once we're a safe distance away, Amy mutters, "What a dork."

"I thought he was charming. A little egotistical, maybe, but sweet."

She scoffs. "It'll wear off quickly. He was just trying to show off."

I wiggle my shoulders and nudge Amy. "Soo, what's the story there?"

She frowns and rolls her eyes. "Charlie? Ew, no. I'd rather die. I met him outside a party a few summers ago. His family has a place near the ports that he was staying at during break. I bummed a cig off of him and haven't been able to shake him off my coattails ever since." She pauses as a smile creeps onto her face. "Free territory for you, though. If you're that infatuated."

I gag. "Definitely not."

"Smart choice. The other guys are better, anyway."

We find ourselves standing in front of the doors for Maxine Hall soon after. Amy drops my arm, spitting off to the side before opening the door. I slip in behind her without another word.

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