Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: First in the Level

When Old Liu stepped into the classroom, the bell for the first class had yet to ring.

He placed the thick stack of papers on the rostrum and said, “Subject rep, come distribute the papers!”

The entire classroom instantly fell silent. Xue Xi sat in the last row and watched as her classmates all stretched out their necks. As the subject representative distributed the examination scripts, intermittent sounds of gasp and sighs could be heard from every corner of the room.

The subject representative, Zhou Zhen, was studious and frail-looking. He wore a pair of thick glasses. He moved toward Xue Yao’s table and passed her script over.

Someone asked curiously, “How many marks?”

Checking her score, Xue Yao answered in a light-hearted and proud tone, “127 marks.”

“The questions were so hard, yet you actually scored so highly?”

She feigned humbleness. “Nah. I’m still lacking when compared to Fan Han.”

“How can you compare yourself to Fan Han? He has been receiving uncountable awards from mathematics competitions since he was young! Still, you and he are truly a match made in heaven. Both of you have such good grades…”

Xue Yao seemed accustomed to the surrounding gasps and praises. She lifted her chin and subconsciously peered at the last row.

She asked hypocritically, “Zhou Zhen, hurry and see how my cousin scored, alright?”

Zhou Zhen flipped through the papers and did not spot Xue Xi’s. Instead, he saw Fan Han’s first and hurriedly picked it out. He was about to pass it to Fan Han when…

On the rostrum, Old Liu said, “For this mathematics paper, the only full-marks student in the entire level is in our class!”


“Isn’t Fan Han too incredible?”

While everyone was gushing, Fan Han silently heaved a sigh of relief.

During the examination yesterday, there were quite a few that he was unsure about. Looks like I did it all correctly…

“Congratulations, Fan Han! You are amazing!”

Xue Yao’s voice rang beside him.

He looked up at her with a smile.

When he returned home yesterday and was informed that his arranged marriage partner had been changed to Xue Yao, he had let out a breath of relief. For a person like him, only the best and most outstanding girl could be matched!

127 marks… Mhm, it hits the passing mark!

At this moment, Zhou Zhen landed his paper on his table right in front of him.

He instinctively looked at the scores and his smile froze. 138? What’s wrong? Did I receive the wrong paper?

While everyone was still confused, Old Liu sucked in a deep breath and said the following, “Let us congratulate student Xue Xi! Her foundations in mathematics are very solid. Even though the questions this time around were exceptionally hard, her results are also totally unexpected! It is a whole 12 marks higher than the second place, Fan Han!”

In the next instant, it felt as if a pause button had been pressed on the entire classroom. A perfect silence prevailed!

After a full two seconds, everyone then turned to look at the girl in the last row in unison.

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