25. Camila

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and I wanted her. Always.


I rode her up and down, but not a fast and furious kind of rhythm. More lingering and sensuous, taking my time, because we had time. There were no clocks, there were no deadlines; there was nothing but the two of us, entwined with each other.

She gripped my hips, guiding my moves at times, at others letting me set the pace. She kissed my breasts, burying her face against my chest, sucking one nipple, then the other. I desperately wanted to grab the back of her head and hold her tight, but my arms were shackled by the silk, and truth be told, I didn't mind one bit. I didn't mind being tied up by her or tied down. Everything she did to me was designed to make me feel amazing - she fucked me like I was unbreakable, and she kissed me tenderly like my heart was the most fragile thing she'd ever touched, the thing she'd never want to break.

"I missed you this week" she said as she blazed a trail of kisses up my chest to my throat, "I missed you so much"

"I missed you too" I said, breathing hard as she filled me.

"I need to see you more, Camila" she said, and her voice was bare and emotional, stripped down to the simplest of needs.

"I need that too"

She looped her arms around my waist, then up my back, tilting her face to look at me as we made love, "Do you have any idea how much I want you?"

"Tell me" I said, locking eyes with her, "Tell me how much"

"I want you in every possible way"

"I thought it was fifty million ways" I said, teasing her, and she thrust hard in response, "Tell me some of them"

She dropped a palm to my ass, gripping me tight, "I want to fuck your pussy as I'm doing now" she drove deeper and I arched my back, letting her know I liked it, "I want to fuck your mouth, again and again" she said, running her finger across my lips, then sliding it into my mouth. I sucked long and hard. She dropped her hand to my chest, tracing a line between my breasts, "I want to fuck you between your breasts" she said. Then, in a flash, her hand had returned to my backside and she slipped a finger between the tops of my buttocks, causing me to draw a sharp breath. Inching her finger lower, I both tensed and thrilled as I sensed where she was going. She slid her hand between my legs, coating her fingers in my wetness, then began slowly travelling back up, "I want to fuck your hand, and I want to fuck your pretty little ass" she said, stopping to rub a finger against my rear.

"Oh God" I said, my eyes falling closed. She was barely inside my ass, but the twin sensations were so intense, tearing through me with a pulsing kind of tightness.

I could barely speak; words had become impossible to form. How could anyone put syllables together when she was inside me like this? When my entire body was trembling from pleasure, and from the unexpected intensity of both her cock and her finger penetrating me?

I'd never experienced this before, this double dose of intensity, but there it was, my entire body spiralling into a new land of ecstasy as she did what she'd said she wanted to do. She fucked me everywhere. She fucked me all over. She owned me and consumed me and turned my world into blinding hot rapture as I rode her. She rolled her hips up into me, her cock driving deeper, her finger sending waves of pleasure through me. I was nearing the brink, racing to the precipice, and I needed to be closer to her.

"Untie me" I said desperately, through heavy pants.

Immediately, she undid the knot around my wrists, letting my hands fall free. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, tugging her near, needing contact, needing to hold her has my orgasm vibrated wildly through my body. I gripped her tight, ecstasy carving its way through me in the most beautiful plundering, as she stole my body, my heart, and my very soul. I clutched her as her shoulders wracked with shudders too, joining me, her own grunts and moans piercing the night.

"I need you all the time too, Lauren. All the time" I said into her neck, slick with sweat.

"I feel the same" she murmured, stroking my back with her strong hands, and soon after I'd come down she carried me upstairs, turned on the hot shower, and bathed me, soaping me up and rinsing me off, then drying me, and taking me to bed, nestled and warm in her arms.

"We have to find a way to see each other more" she said, running her fingers through my hair as she faced me in bed, the dark of the night cloaking us, only a sliver of moonlight revealing her face, "It's not negotiable"

I arched an eyebrow, "Oh really, counsellor? Is that how you play ball?"

"Certain terms are not up for negotiation. This is one of them"

"How do you propose you win this point in your client's favour? The client, I presume, is you?"

"You know what they say about representing yourself?"

"That you have a fool for a client?"

She nodded, and smiled at me, her lips curving in that sexy grin. Then her expression changed. Shifted. Turned more serious, "Camila, when I first when to Miami, I had no idea this would happen"

"What's this?" I asked, nerves fluttering. I was terrified to attach definitions to what I was feeling. Better that she go first. She was always the braver one.

"You and me" she said, and the words made me heady. We'd both come so close to voicing the most dangerous one of all, "I didn't come to Miami that first night looking for this. I wasn't looking for anything"

"What did you go for? What did you want?"

"I didn't want anything" she said, staring deeply into my eyes. I felt as if she were looking far inside me, beyond my skin, beyond my cells, to know the heart of me. And that it belonged to her.

"And now?" I asked, throat dry with hope.

Her deep green eyes searched mine, holding my gaze, holding me tight, "Now I want everything"


im sorry the chapter is late, today will most likely be the last time im updating as im going away till september so im gonna try and write more chapter today.

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