Chapter 3

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Picture of Luciano in a suit!!!! he's so hot my god.

Chapter 3

Its been two weeks. Two weeks since Esme gave birth. Two weeks since I met them. Two weeks since I discovered my father is a drug dealer. Two week since I talked to my family. Two weeks.

I've been avoiding my father and he's been trying to talk to me. He wants to explain what happened and about his so called business. I haven't told my mother and sister, and I don't think I'm going to. My father asked me to not tell them and I was tempted to do so, but then I realized that it will be horrible for them to find out. Our family will be ruined and I don't want that to happened. For now, I'm keeping it to myself.

Mother tried to contact me but I ignored her calls and pretended I'm not home when she comes over. I haven't communicated with my family. I hid in my apartment and only went out to my classes.

I felt like if I talked to my family, I will blurt out that father is a drug dealer.

I stared at the floor, thinking hard but then my best friend, Carly dramatically sighed.

"The exam was so hard!" Carly complained, slouching as she walked funny.

"I thought it was pretty easy." I shrugged as we walked out of the class.

"Okay, Andrea. You don't have to brag." She jokingly said.

Laughing a bit, I said, "Okay, Carly. I wasn't bragging."

"Hey, do you want to come to this charity event next week? My dad is hosting it and I don't want to be stuck with my family the entire time." She asked as we turned the corner.

She knows I'm a sucker for charity events. I love helping and donating. "Yeah, sure. What is it about?"

"For the homeless." She replied. "It's on Sunday at 8 pm. Do you want me to pick you up?"

I nodded. "Is it formal?"

"You know it is." She gave me 'are you dumb?' look. I playfully bumped shoulders with her.

"What about Logan?" She bit her lip at the sound of his name. Crush. So cute.

"Nah, he's annoying." She scrunch her nose to make it seem like she's disgusted by him.

Out of nowhere, an arm wrapped around our shoulders. "You guys want to go eat at this new Italian restaurant that opened up across my place?"

A tiny blush crept onto Carly's face. I mentally smirked knowing she's blushing because the love of her life is touching her.

"Can't. I have another class in ten minutes." Carly replied in a quiet voice.

"You suck." Logan unwrapped his arm from her and playfully shoved her, making her bump into the wall.

Carly made a funny groan.

Logan turned to me waiting for my answer.

"Sorry, Logan. I have to meet my sister in a couple of minutes." I lied. Lately, I haven't hanged out with my friends because I was so cautious with my surroundings. I'm afraid that he will pop out of nowhere and kill me.

"You guys suck. Later you guys owe me." He unwrapped his arms from me and also shoved me but with a lot of force. I bumped into a person, making their stuff fall on the ground.

"I'm so sorry!" I bend down to pick up their stuff.

"N-No, it's f-fine." A deep voice stuttered nervously. When I gathered his notebook and text book, I gave it to him. He hurriedly ran off bumping into a few people.

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