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march 2nd 2020

howard stern radio show

howard stern radio show

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howard: you were robbed at knife point.
harry: hmm

howard: when did this happen to you harry?
harry: it was on Valentine's Day. i'd just been out with my girlfriend the fantastic townes.

howard: she is great, how is she dealing with it?
harry: mmm, she is taking it day by day you know.

howard: so you two were walking home?
harry: yes, we are walking home about like 5 minutes away from home. and im walking up, and I kinda see this group of guys and they have hoods up and their faces where covered and stuff. and I was like "that's a but weird".

howard: did they know it was you?
harry: no, i had a hood on and she was wearing my coat which was like big on me and she is tiny. she didn't bring a jacket and it was pretty cold. I turn my music off, and I walk up the street. I keep kinda turning around, and the guys like cross the road as I am. and I'm walking up and, there is like gravel on the pavement so we can hear shuffling of feet, trying to catch up to us. So we cross the street and the street and they cross the street.

howard: this is bad.
harry: so we cross the street again and they cross the street again. and I'm like oh for fucks sake. i think we are fout to get robbed. so the guys are like "hey can we talk to you guys for a minute?" and there is no body around. So I'm like....

howard: is your heart pounding?
harry: yeah, a bit. umm, so I'm like "sure", and he is like "do you smoke weed?" And I said "no".he said "does she want any weed" and she says "no."  and he goes "do you want some weed?" and I thought "no." um, and then he was like "what have you got on you?" and they all kinda gathered around me. umm and this was something I've been a little pissed of about is, cuz I filed a police report so then it goes in the press and everything.
howard: right.

harry: they wrote that there was only on guy, and i would just like to clarify that there was more then one guy.
howard: right. in other words for your ego, "I could of fought of one guy!"

harry: yeah you know, oh it says "it was only one guy with a knife" and I was like "just one?!"
howard: there was a bunch of guys.

harry: there were a bunch of guys. and so he was like "what have guys have on you?" and I say "we don't have anything." and they say like "stop fucking around." so townes has some cash in her purse, so she says "I've got some cash in my bag" she pulls it out, he takes it from her. and I had my headphone jack sticking out of my pocket. and he was like "what's that plugged into?" oh for gods sake. It's my phone! "pull out your phone." so I pull out my phone, and I'm thinking that this is really annoying. but you know ill wipe it and get a new one.
howard: not worth fighting over.

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