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I know how this looks I've lied to all of you and now you're wondering if you can trust anything I say.

Well I'm still the same girl you met in the beginning, I suppose it just makes more sense now on why I helped JJ cover up my own "sister's" murder. 

I have yet to tell JJ the whole story, but I would imagine he'll take it quite well considering he's fucking insane. Besides we've been through more than fucking pathetic Bonnie and Clyde for him to turn back on us now.

It's not like we didn't work well together, his crazy and mine seemed to marry happily.

But enough about that now to tell you my brilliant plan of wiping the Rose family off the face of the planet. Because my little darlings we're nearing the end of our journey together, and I'd hate for you to leave before the grand finale. 

The annual Gravensten Gala was tonight which meant every man, woman, and child would be gathered in the conservatory for a performance by the local ballet before moving onto speeches. Richard Rose was the founder of the Gravensten Gala and the key speaker just like any other year. 

This year, however, the show was going to be way more fun. 


Lacing up the back of my corset, I reminded myself of how this would all be over in a few hours. I would do what I had to do and then leave. JJ and I would leave Gravesten and start over somewhere new where no one knew anything about us.

"You look gorgeous." JJ stood in the doorway to the bedroom. He was wearing a dark grey suit which somehow seemed to make his icy blue eyes pop. "I knew the red velvet dress was the way to go."

I laughed. "You said the red dress was the one you wanted to take off of me." I corrected. "I picked it because it'll hide Father's blood stains well."

I had only just come clean to him about everything. Kaylies parents fire, the reason I was so chill with killing my family, and now my plan to finish out the whole damn bloodline.

Before you ask no I'm not murdering Elliot or the baby they've done nothing to me only the fucking demonic adults that plagued me like an infection.

My dear partner in crime did not share my enthusiasm for theatrics as much as I had hoped. He was more nervous than a whore on the front pew during revival, but JJ knew he had to let me do this.

If I did this I could-correction-I would be free to live a normal life. No more murder or mayhem, no more pain. Just a farmhouse on a lake and maybe a couple of barefoot little kids running around. It sounded nice.

JJ snaked his arms around my waist breaking me from my daydream, and held me to his chest a moment. "What if it doesn't go as plan and someone sees you? I'd feel better if you'd let me come assist you." He whispered into the shell of my ear quietly like as if we were in a crowded room.

The poor boy was always so worried about me truly it was as cute as it was annoying. 

"I'll be fine." I promised for the millionth time since getting ready. "You know me. I could do this shit in my sleep."

Lies I was a little scared. The finish line was too close for it to all be ruined now.

JJ reluctantly nodded then let me go. "I'll be in the crowd watching." With that he slipped from the bedroom and out the front door. 

It was better this way because now even if I did get caught he couldn't go down with me. 

This was my plan and mine alone if it were to go wrong I'd be who paid. 

God it would be worth paying if that fucking prick and his goddamn annoying wife never saw the light of day again. 

So with that I slipped on my shoes and headed outside into the warm summer air. 

I hope you're ready to see the grand finale trust me it's gonna be killer.

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