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I stared at him, waiting for a reaction after I'd told him everything, including the nightmares, Kamalu, the deity and do it or death deal. I thought perhaps he would get up and walk away or look at me differently because honestly; it was a lot to take in, but none of that happened. Instead, Cergio took hold of my hand in his. A faint and yet warm smile played on his face.

"I can't imagine what you must've gone through these past weeks." He stated, his gaze soft and sympathetic. I stared back at him, nearly speechless that he wasn't ready to leave me. Crazy, no matter how many times he tells me he's here for me, I always somehow end up expecting him to leave when things get hard or when more truth surfaces to his assimilation just like the others in the past but I keep forgetting... he's not others. He's Cergio Suarez, a man who came into my life when I thought nothing could go right with me. Oh, how wrong I was.

"I want to put an end to that demonic deal... once and for all." I confessed, and recently, that was all I could think about, how to put a last stop to it.

"Help me... I'm ready to welcome Jesus into my life... I should have done so a long time ago but I didn't know what I wanted, I didn't know what I was missing out and I believed I didn't need his protection. Will you help me?" I asked. For the first time, I was more than sure about what I was doing and couldn't see things any other way.

He nodded, a smile drew on his face before he stretched out his other hand and I gently placed my hand in it so he had both of my hands in both of his.

"We're going to say a word of prayer and confession. I'll talk and you'll repeat after me... shall we?" He explained, and I nodded as I drew in a deep breath. Cergio's smile on his face stretched a little broader, and I knew it was his way of comforting me, letting me know everything was going to be alright. I smiled in return, then watched him close his eyes. I did the same right away.

"Jesus, I admit I am a sinner." He started, and I repeated after him.

"I have lived my life for myself only." He continued and, just like he said, I repeated.

"I am sorry and choose now to turn away from my sins and every part of my life that does not please you." Again, I repeated. "I believe you are the son of God, that you died on the cross to rescue me from sin and death and to lead me to the Father."

"I give myself to you and ask that you take control of my life." Then I repeated.

"From this day forward, help me become a person who is truly like you." I said after him. "Restore me, Jesus. Thank you, God. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen."

When we finished, I opened my eyes to meet a pair of his staring back at me, a smile on his face. "Congratulations... you're a new being." Cergio commented, and those words settled on me. I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

New being. That sounded nice... that sounded like I've been reborn. A second chance to do it right this time. Silently, I relieved a sigh of relief, the feeling of peace taking over. For the first time, I actual felt I had a direction and I finally know who I am.

"Thank you." I appreciated; my gaze still fixated on him. He didn't need to reply. I could read his eyes and the smile on his face. I watched him lift my hand close to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the back of my hand.

"You're welcome."

Feeling better than I've felt in the longest while, I walked towards the house. The moment my eyes fell on the person by the door, steadily, I drew to a stop and the feeling of warmth evaporated. It would seem uncle Chimdi was having a conversation with Kamalu and I wasn't sure if Kamalu just arrived or he was leaving. Either way, seeing him brought back memories and the feeling of anger. Chidera recently passed away owing it to his doing, and he was still bold enough to show his face.

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