Chapter Twenty-Five

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Georgia and I stood at the front of Sweet Sensations, looking across the street. Snowflakes drifted down, melting as soon as they landed on the ground and leaving the pavement dappled with wet spots.

"At least you've got a man to keep you warm through the winter," Georgia said, turning away from the window. She grabbed a Snickers bar from the display by the door and spun it in her hand. "It will make this one a lot cozier than the last."

I laughed, joining her as we walked back to the counter. "I still can't believe he actually spent the night at my place. And made me breakfast!" I sighed happily, still warmed by the thought of it. "It was good, too."

"Just remind me to keep my schedule clear once the summer comes. For how happy you've been lately, the crash when he moves back to New York is going to be brutal."

I groaned, rubbing my hand through my hair. "Does it really have to be, though? I could fly to New York sometimes. And he must get some vacation time."

Georgia frowned and pulled the wrapper off the Snickers. "Maybe," she said. "But is that really the kind of relationship you're hoping to build? Would you be happy spending the rest of your life seeing the man of your dreams on the weekends only?"

I put my hands in the air. "Whoa, who said anything about the rest of my life, though?"

"Don't try to pretend you haven't been thinking of it that way."

I grabbed a strawberry sucker, thumbing the wrapper off and popping it in my mouth. "It's just so unfair," I whined. "Ever since my dad passed, it's been one thing after another, throwing my life upside down. And now I've finally found something that feels good and safe, and the second I start to rely on it, I have to start worrying about the relationship coming to an end." Anxiety flushed across my body, and my lip began to tremble as I thought about Dominick leaving and taking those good feelings with him. "I'm tired of losing things I care about," I said softly.

Georgia laid her hand on my shoulder and rubbed my tense muscles. "Just because Dominick leaves," she said, "doesn't mean you're back to square one. Just think about all the changes he's brought into your life. You know what you want now, and you have the confidence to go and get it."

I sighed. "Maybe. Or maybe I'm just confident around him."

"I know that's not true. Just think about the last meeting of the business association. You finally got those old sticks in the mud to treat you like a full member of the group. And if I remember correctly, Sweet Sensations has had some of the best sales periods in its history under your watch. You can take credit for that, Xavier, all on your own."

I spun the sucker in my mouth, then pulled it out with a pop. "Just watch," I groused. "Dominick will leave, and I'll be an anxious, whiny boy again."

"No whining," Georgia said, then bit into the Snickers. "It's unbecoming."

I pouted. "Even if I get the confidence to go looking for another guy to date, what are the chances I'll find someone as perfect as Dominick? He's one in a million. Hell, the fact that he's interested in me makes him one in a billion!"

"Trust me, cutie, with that smile and that ass, you're not going to have trouble finding another guy. Don't you remember how popular you were at that sex party?"

The evening flashed back to my memory. Even though it occurred months ago, it seemed as clear as if it had happened last weekend. I could hear the command in Dominick's voice and feel the strength of his presence, towering over me.

"Maybe," I sighed. "But I think you're right. Keep your schedule clear in the summer anyway. If I do crawl back to reality, I'm going to need some tender love and care from my bestie to get me there."

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