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Tommy's POV

It had been a few days and I was now traveling from Logsted to what I believe is L'manburg. Honestly it's a pretty cool name. I wish I had come up with it myself.

I walked through the forest weaving through the trees and hoping over logs. It would have been faster to take the main path but there might be humans traveling even though it was night and I didn't want to use a potion until I got to town. No problem though, the two towns weren't too far from each other so it should only take a few hours. 

As I rounded a tree I saw a small cottage. It looked cozy and warm and for a second I was tempted to go in and warm up. It was summer but it was still chilly at night.

I don't know why but something about the place seemed almost familiar. The warm and joyful vibes it gave off felt familiar. I just wish I knew why.

I looked at the white curtained windows and saw someone approaching them. Hurriedly I ran into the forest. Hopefully whoever it was didn't see me. I didn't have the potion on so my wings were fully exposed and if they were humans I would be in big trouble.

Phil's POV

I couldn't believe it when Wilbur had brought home the flyer. It gave me hope that my little boy was still alive and he would find us. I felt joy at the thought of being a full family again after these 13 years.

Now that the sun went down though it was a different story. I can't stop worrying. What if he's been caught again? What if he got killed? What if I see him but don't recognize him after all these years? The thoughts and worry's were pilling up and they continued to only get worse.

These were the very thoughts keeping me awake at night. I couldn't find any peace knowing my son was out there alone and in danger. Possibly even hurt.

I walked up to the window to hopefully calm myself and clear my mind. But what I saw made things worse. I saw wings, red and orange almost glowing in the dark forest. Phoenix wings! Those were Tommy's wings! I blinked hard and looked out the window again. There was nothing. Sighing I stepped back and looked down. My eyes were playing tricks on me. Tommy couldn't be here he just couldn't. But then again, why couldn't he?

Tommy's POV

It had been a few days and I was now traveling from Logsted to what I believe is L'manburg. Honestly it's a pretty cool name. I wish I had come up with it myself.

I walked through the forest weaving through the trees and hoping over logs. The walk wouldn't be too long mainly because the two towns were close together. It was also night. I wasn't able to sleep so I had decided to start my travels early.

As I rounded a tree I saw a small cottage. It looked cozy and warm and for a second I was tempted to go in and warm up. It was summer but it was still chilly at night.

I don't know why but something about the place seemed almost familiar. The warm and joyful vibes it gave off felt familiar. I just wish I could know why.

I looked at the curtained windows and saw someone approaching them. Hurriedly I ran into the forest. Hopefully whoever it was didn't see me. I didn't have the potion on so my wings were very exposed and if they were humans I would be in trouble.

Phil's POV

I couldn't believe it when Wilbur had brought home the flyer. It gave me hope that my little boy was still alive and he would find us.

I was happy when I first heard the news but now, I can't stop worrying. What if he's been caught again? What if he got killed? What if I see him but don't recognize him after all these years?

These were the very thoughts keeping me awake at night. It was late at night and I couldn't find any peace knowing my son was out there alone and in danger.

I walked up to the window to hopefully calm myself and clear my mind. But what I saw made things worse. Phoenix wings! Those were Tommy's wings! I blinked hard and looked out the window again. There was nothing. Sighing I stepped back and looked down. My eyes were playing tricks on me. Tommy couldn't be here. But then again, why couldn't he?

Tommy's POV

L'manburg. I made it. I was on the edge of the forest half covered by a tree. As I looked at L'manburg I felt a sense of familiarity. As if I had been there before. Have I?

I never felt this way about any other town I had visited. This gave me hope. Maybe I will find my family here.

I walked forward approaching the tall walls that surrounded the place. They were most likely for protection but they did seem sorta intimidating.

There were guards at the gate that checked to make sure I wasn't a threat before they let me inside. I was in awe. The place was beautiful. There was a market to the left and rows of homes to the far right. I could also see some beautiful flower gardens along with gardens filled with crops closer to the back. It was one of the nicest towns I had been to so far.

Maybe I could stay here. Make a life and enjoy it. Forget about my horrible past. Be happy. No! I can't think like that. I should find my family. I need to find my family. But I guess.....maybe if they don't want me? I hadn't thought of the fact that they may not want me. They might not even be human! But I had to be sure. So I wasn't about to stop now.

I walked forward heading for the rows of shops. There were so many sweet smells and delicious looking food. But I need to stay focused. So I began the usual routine.

----------Time skip----------

It's the next day and I just woke up. I rubbed my eyes looking around in the dark. I had slept in a nearby cave like many other times. I had gotten used to it after the first few times. I couldn't sleep out in the open because the potion wouldn't the whole night. So the hard floor of the cave was my only option.

I drank the potion before heading back in the direction of the town ready for another day of searching. I passed by the cottage again but I didn't care to look because I was in a human form and didn't have to worry.

Due to this action I didn't see the three people at the window watching as I passed.

Phil's POV

I watched through the window of my house as the same person I had seen the day before walk by. The only difference was his cape that draped over his back where I had seen his wings.

The cape did look like his wings. They were red and orange and had flames coming from the back to the neck fading out. I was able to see his hair more this time and saw that he had dirty blonde hair. This boy was just like my son. The same hair and wings. I could only hope it really was him.

Without thinking I grabbed Techno and Wilbur's arms and pulled them out the door after what I hoped was Tommy. We were in human form so we didn't need to worry. I ignored their grunts as they were dragged behind me. I had one goal and nothing was getting in my way. Nothing would stop me from reaching my son.

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