Chapter 7 ◌ Lontana da me

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On tour, 2021

Now that we're away from home, I barely have time to think about her. It's always busy. The craze on stage blocks every other feeling. The adrenaline is racing through my head, making my head spin. Our yelling fans drown her out voice out and now she's mute. She always knew I like the ecstatic. When I walk on stage, I feel her walk away, Marlena preferred the calm.

She learned that I would always come back to her afterward because she had the ability to soothe me when the sweat was dripping from my forehead and my heart still pumping loud in my chest. She turned my 'fight and flight' into rest, and that's what I miss most: la sua voce dolce and her silky hands brushing through my hair. 

Io e lei, un forte equilibria. (Me and her, a strong balance)

She brought me harmony and was never afraid to come along with my journey because she said it had become hers too. She showed me the road, made me stay on the right path. My moonlight and stars, I would take her hand into mine and follow her anywhere through the galaxy.

I was young and hungry for life, she was grateful for what she had as long as she had me. She was my shield for mishaps while I took her with me to expand our space. She was there in our critical moments; there was a time she was as strong as stone and got all of our backs. She was the reason we went to X Factor in the first place because we believed in la nostra Marlena. We made her our muse, our gorgeous inspiration for our first real studio album 'Il ballo della vita', for the life we all shared in which she was dancing. Gracefully and sometimes naughty with a wink. Life was fun and sparkling, a new challenge or chance to take behind every door we opened or was opened for us, but someday her stone backbone just cracked. Now life can't be perfect without her. 

Let's not speculate about who lost who first because in the end, that isn't important. Is it strange I want to build something up out of the rocks we once crushed? Something state-of-the-art, but always with our past encounters nearby. A new home for both of us.

Marlena portami a casa che il tuo sorriso è stupendo (Marlena, bring me home because your smile is stunning)

I want to reduce our distance, I don't even know where she's at this very moment, but I think the magnitude of my missing can fill the gap between us. I wish I had followed her. Caught her in my net stockings. I wanted to hold her as tight as possible, but I felt that I was suffocating her. Letting her go was all I had left for her love, choosing her welfare over my own aches. My last act of love.

As she's still far away, I don't know if it is respectful or just greedy to go find her. She was as fragile as a deer standing still in the headlights of my car, blinking with her long eyelashes and staring into my eyes, knowing that I would run her over. But she couldn't do anything about that, she just would have given her life for me. That would be so fucking selfish and that's why I let her run into the unknown woods. And after all this time, maybe she just doesn't want to be found.

I am the one that sings with the voice of a beast but she was the animal that couldn't be caged. I guess she is a bird set free, singing somewhere happily. 

And I still miss my Marlena, those are the words I'll forever regret I've never said.  A love letter I wrote in my head. My sea of tears blurred them, the ink ran out and faded in time. Without my love, everything goes blank.

I can't completely blame myself because there were things she just didn't want to hear. And now I am here, sitting on the tour bus, supposed to have fun with those people but all I feel is alone. My thoughts bring me far away. The space in my head cavity is filled with her words and the rooms of my heart with her wonderful touch. Marlena tore the muscle when she desperately tried to get away and now my tissue is scarred. She left everything behind, knowing damn well what the cost on my body would be. The scar tissue is thick, a human can die from a broken heart, the evidence of immortality and love until eternity. Amore mio immenso e infinito.

È in quei momenti morti
Ti penso di più
Il silenzio mi trascina nel profondo
Sento le tue ultime parole
Un sussurro da lontano
Una pulsazione che mi bacia le orecchie
E toccandomi nel profondo
Sincronizzazione con il mio cuore
Voglio le tue belle parole sulla mia pelle
Per tenerti vicino, ora non ti lascerò mai andare

Perché ti sento lontana, lontana da me

It's in those dead moments
I think about you most
The silence pulls me deeper
I hear your last words
A whisper from afar
A pulsation kissing my ears and touching me into the core
synchronizing with my heart
I want your lovely words on my skin
to keep you close
Now I'll never let you go

Because I feel distant, far away from you


𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐚 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐚 - MåneskinWhere stories live. Discover now