0.5 First Impressions - Chapter Seven

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Annabeth starts reading, "I Wake Up Feeling Like Setting Fire To The Rain and Watching it Pour as I Touch Your Face.

"And I set fire! To the Rain! Watch it pour as I touch your face!" Travis and Connor started to sing-yell, with Leo and many other demigods joining in as the song went on. Apollo even managed to summon a piano to play the backing music as they sang, the Muses joining in with backing vocals as the song continued.


"Bravo, Bravo!"


The Stoll brothers, Apollo, The muses and all the demigods stood up and took a bow as the rest of the room (apart from the ones with sticks up their asses, cough cough Zeus).

I had many dreams,

The demigods all grimaced knowing how awful the dreams could be. Percy and Annabeth had particularly bad looks on their faces, knowing how bad Percy's dreams could be and a touch of sympathy for Allie. Morpheus and Hypnos looked particularly put out at the admission.

"Those dreams are help from us and you aren't grateful. Demigods." Morpheus grumbled feeling as though the demigods should have been grateful enough that he didn't say anything before now, causing the demigods to look at him with contempt.

most of which were nightmares that I couldn't wake up from.

Silence reigned over the room. The demigods in silent solidarity for their fellow half-blood. The gods in contemplation, though some gods were just asleep.

A lot of laughing coming from a pit

Nico, Percy and Annabeth all flinched, plagued suddenly by memories of the hades-forsaken place. Noticing that they probably wouldn't recover for a few minutes as this wasn't something anyone can help with sadly, Jason reached next to him and gently pried the book out of Annabeth's trembling hands.

and then the feeling of a force trying to push me in, but during those dreams, I'd fight back

The sombre mood that had taken over the room lifted slightly at the thought of the girl fighting back.

and then wake up super disoriented.

Thalia's face soured, remembering how disoriented she was when she woke up from her nearly-6-year-nap as a tree.

I knew I woke up many times, but it was never for long. The longest I'd stayed up was a few seconds, during which I'd only managed to check my head. Luckily, it didn't have any blood gushing out of it anymore,

The lifted mood quickly sunk again like the Titanic at the reminder of Allie's injuries. Poseidon's trident groaned under the pressure of his grip.

but it also didn't have stitches, so it confused me.

"I thought no stitches were supposed to be a good thing?"

A chuckle distracted me and as soon as I realised that it was the dude who'd caught me, I passed out again.

Chuckles ran out over the room.

"She's falling for him already. I can sense it." Silena whispered to Beckendorf in the back of the room, causing him to let out a deep chuckle and reach over to put his arm around her shoulder.

Most of the other times I woke up I'd hear things,

"I hear things sometimes. Mostly in my head." A few people shifted away from the source of the unidentified voice.

but none of what I heard made sense.

"I was so confused when I first came to camp. I had just gone to bed at home like normal but when I woke up my dad was dragging me and a suitcase over Halfblood hill. Bit of a wake up call if you ask me."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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