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The lights above them released sparks

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The lights above them released sparks. Cans filled with gas were thrown at them and bullets were flying everywhere.

Adiras blood was filled with adrenaline and she quickly crouched behind a metal barrel. One of her hands clutched her eye as it bled profoundly.

She couldn't see out of her right eye. Everytime she would try to open it, the wound would sting greatly and when she actually opened it, she couldn't see anything. She hoped it was just the blood affecting her eye and that the knife didn't reach her actual eyeball.

The loud firing of machine guns made her ears ring. A few bullets skimmed her arms. Although they didn't actually wound her, she could feel the heat skim past her.

Bullets continued flying everywhere. Adiras' breathing began speeding up and it was like she couldn't move. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't see. She couldn't hear. She didn't know what was happening.

Hands grabbed her from behind and she gasped. Her breaths quickened and she tried her hardest to shake them off.

"It's me. It's me." Mitch quickly said before pulling her along. She stopped struggling and let him lead her away. She never trusted people, but now that she couldn't really see, she relied on those around her.

Finally, Adira could open her good eye that was blinded by the fog. It stung a little but now could see Mitch holding her waist and pulling her along with him.

They continued running until Rick grabbed them and pushed them the right way.

They stopped beside the metal gate. "They're all at the arena. This way." Merle began trying to pull off the metal piece.

"You're not going anywhere with us." Rick said as he looked around with his rifle.

"You really wanna do this now?" Merle asked before the panel fell open. Daryl went through the fence first, then Maggie, Adira, Mitch, and lastly Rick.

They killed a few walkers before running off into the woods. Adiras mind hadn't even dwelled upon the thought that Merle was still with them. She just continued running behind Rick. She was still clutching her eye that had stopped bleeding but it still hurt.

From the distance she could see a grey van. "Glenn! Glenn!" Rick yelled out.

"Rick!" Someone responded. Glenn came running towards them and thanked god that they came back safe. Adira could see Michonne running up to them too. The dark skinned woman ran to the teen and embraced but suddenly pulled out her katana once seeing Merle.

"Now we got a problem here. I need you to back up." Rick extended his arm but was too late, because Glenn saw Michonne take out her katana and his eyes met Merles.

He quickly pulled out his gun and aimed it at the redneck, "what the hell is he doing here?"

Rick pulled out his revolver and aimed at it Michonne so she would stop charging at Merle. "Put it down!"

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