Part 5

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————— Part 5 —————

Taylor sighed as he attempted to untangle his hair. The bun had fallen out during the night and, now, his hair was in knots. He had already brushed his teeth and relieved himself, but now he was standing in front of the mirror in their suite while Emerson was in the bathroom doing what he'd already done.

Then, he heard the door open and Emerson stepped out of the bathroom. Taylor saw Emerson look his way before walking over and grabbing the comb from his hand. Taylor didn't like using hair brushes and had always used a comb, and that wasn't going to change now.

To his surprise, Taylor felt Emerson stand behind him and rake the comb through his hair once, stopping at the knots.

"Geez, your hair is super tangled.", Emerson commented.

Taylor pouted, "It's not always like this. And, you don't have to help.".

"Just let me, okay?", Emerson stated. "You look adorable when you pout.".

"I'm not pouting!", Taylor denied.

"Yeah, you are.", Emerson grinned at him through the mirror. "Cutie.".

Taylor blushed and looked down. If Emerson was going to behave this way towards him, his crush wouldn't be going anywhere. In fact, it would probably just grow and grow until those feelings of 'like' would turn into feelings of 'love'.

Emerson was an amazing person. Anyone who even remotely knew him knew that.

So, was Emerson's kindness out of friendship, pity, or... liking him.

Friendship because they were married and had to get along.

Pity because of Taylor's family situation.

Or... liking him. Actually liking him.

Surely, it couldn't be the third option. Emerson didn't even know him. Not that he knew Emerson well, either. But, Taylor clearly knew him well enough to develop a crush on him.

Argh! This is so confusing! I should just ask him! were Taylor's thoughts, but before he could say anything, Emerson spoke.

"There. All done.".

"What?", Taylor snapped out of his thoughts.

"I'm done. Your hair shouldn't have as many knots in it now.", Emerson explained.

Taylor realized that while he had been contemplating their situation, Emerson had finished combing his hair for him.

"Oh. Thank you.", Taylor stated.

He ran his hand through his hair and, surprisingly, there really were no knots left. Emerson was good at this. Did he have practice? He didn't have long hair himself, so maybe a girlfriend...?

"Have you done this before?", Taylor suddenly asked. "Like, combing someone's hair?".

"My sisters's hair. I brush theirs so often that it might as well be my hair.", Emerson explained and Taylor's jealousy immediately dissipated.



He wasn't jealous.


Taylor nodded and walked over to his suitcase. Then, he had a thought so he asked Emerson, "Umm... should I disguise myself as a girl or just wear my boy clothes?".

"The public now knows who the grandkid of the Madisons is. Taylor Madison-Fitzpatrick... a girl. If we go somewhere in public before actually clearing up this mess, then you're going to have to dress as a girl, I'm afraid. For our honeymoon, which we leave for today, we're going somewhere with a lot less people and paparazzi, so I think it would be okay for you to dress as yourself. For our breakfast, I was planning to just order room service, if that's okay with you. So, for now, dressing as a boy will be okay but, when we go to their airport to catch our flight, I think you'll have to put on your disguise again. I'm sorry.", Emerson explained with a sad smile.

Taylor caught three things out of that whole speech that Emerson made. "You're planning to clear up this mess? And, where are we going for our honeymoon? Also, I think you just confused me even more as to what I'll wear today, but since we're going to be catching a flight at a public airport soon, I'll just wear my girl disguise.".

Emerson grinned, "Yes, we'll be clearing up this mess. I don't want you to have to live as a lie for the rest of your life. You're clearly a boy and unless you're transgender — which would totally be okay with me, just so you know — then the public will also think your a boy.".

Taylor smiled, "I admit that I do like feminie things — like long hair and jewelry and accessories and makeup typically meant for girls and women — but I am not transgender. It's good to know that you would be okay even if I was, though. The Taylor I am at school is the real me, and the one I am around my family sometimes is not. School was a safe haven for me sometimes, and now that we've graduated...".

"I hope I can become your safe haven, then.", Emerson blurted out, shocking Taylor. "I mean, I hope that you can come to me sometimes from now on when you need to talk to someone or a shoulder to cry on. I know that we haven't actually known each other for long and I don't know if I reciprocate your feelings for me, but I don't want you to feel awkward around me.". Then, almost as an afterthought, "Your parents also seem like really nice people and you are really close to them, aren't you?".

Taylor's eyes widened even more, "You... you're not rejecting me?".

Emerson smiled and stepped closer to Taylor — who was still standing by his suitcase — and shook his head, "I'm not accepting your feelings but I'm not rejecting them, either. To be honest, I don't know what I feel for you, but I want to find out.".

Taylor's heart was about to burst. Emerson was perfect.

Amazing. Fantastic. Terrific. Kind. Generous. Sweet. Charming.


Before he knew what he was doing, Taylor had — once again — launched himself into Emerson's arms, hugging him with all his might. Emerson was a bit taller than him, so Taylor had to reach up a teeny-tiny bit to wrap his arms around his husband.

"Whoa! Twice within 12 hours.", Emerson teased.

"You're amazing.", Taylor said, kissing Emerson's cheek, which made Emerson blush. "Hey, you're blushing!", Taylor grinned.

"Well, I got kissed by a cutie. How can I not blush?", Emerson teased... again.

After a moment, Taylor let Emerson go and turned towards his suitcase.

His grandparents had invested in some clothing with padding on the chest area to make it appear as though he had breasts like a girl. It was all top-of-the-line, of course, but Taylor still felt completely out of place when he crossdressed.

In the end, he ended up taking out a pink blouse and a pair of white jeggings to wear. With his long hair and makeup and maybe some oversized cat-eye sunglasses that covered most of his face, he could make himself appear as a woman.

Half an hour later, Taylor stepped out of the bathroom in his full female disguise. Emerson was sitting on the bed — which had been made, probably by him — with his phone to his ear. When he saw Taylor step out of the bathroom, the phone dropped from his hand... but it was saved by the soft cushioning of the bed, so it didn't shatter.

One syllable escaped from Emerson's lips, "Wow.".

Taylor grinned. "How do I look?", he asked, doing a short spin.

Emerson cursed under his breath before saying, "Fantastic.".

"Do I?", Taylor's eyes lit up. He loved praise — from anyone, really.

"You look beautiful. My beautiful husband.", Emerson confirmed. 

End of Part 5

Eeek! I love these dudes. Taylor and Emerson are... perfect.

Amazing. Fantastic. Terrific. Kind. Generous. Sweet. Charming.


~Pink Elephant

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