Chapter 8

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The water was brought to you on request of Demiurge. Even with your body fooled into believing it was far cooler out than usual, you couldn't ignore how much in need of water you were.

As you pulled the rim of the glass away from your lips, you were about to ask Demiurge about his brother, but he beat you to the idea of conversation.

"What happened?" He gently ran his palm against your head, trying to see if he could sense anything else that might be out of place when it came to your soul and body.

You thought back on the last few moments before the dream you endured with Jaldabaoth. "I... I went to the market, just as you suggested. Then I encountered a woman who offered me a drink. She went by the name of Qu... ummm... Livkra."

Demiurge was observing you very closely as you talked. He was looking for an opening of some sort to scrutinize the scene, perhaps.

"She had... she had wild red hair and very pale looking skin. It were as though the sun never really touched her." It was there you motioned away. "She ran some bar, I think."

The devil's words harbored confusion. "That doesn't sound like something Quvelivkra would do." He said the name so swiftly it were as though Demiurge knew instantly who you were speaking of.

He was aware asking if something seemed off would be silly. You didn't know this demon woman like he did. Demiurge made it a personal mission to know everyone in his kingdom. He didn't want to find any of his women had simply vanished or otherwise.

"Pevlu," the king summoned, ordering the demon woman who ran the inn back before him. "Find Quvelivkra. I want her brought before my court this instant." Demiurge tried to hide his anger, but it was hard to control himself when it came to your well being.

The demon addressed as Pevlu bowed. "At once, my Lord." She swiftly teleported out of the scene.

The devil's wings flared outward, grabbing for you the moment he noticed you were done with your drink. Without allowing you to speak a single word, he as well teleported you out of the inn and swiftly into his castle.

The fresh water of the interior of the castle greeted you in such welcoming haste. You were relieved to be near something that smelt and felt a bit closer to home.

"This way, my dear," Demiurge said in a hushed tone. He guided you back towards the bedroom, planting a kiss upon the top of your head along the way.

His actions were urgent. He appeared to be in disarray at all that had transpired. Fanning his wing out over you, it acted a bit like an umbrella from the heat till you made it safely into the bedroom with him.

He was careful, delicate in his actions, of undressing you and putting you into something far more appropriate for the evening. It was the same simple fiber gown that could mostly combat the chill in the air at night.

Moving the covers to the side for you to find rest upon the bed, he stole another kiss from your cheek. "Don't worry, love. I will find out what happened." He pulled from your side for a moment. "I need to fetch and make dinner." In exasperation of wondering what to do, Demiurge bucked up the courage to turn and think of heading out of the room to do so.

He just didn't want to leave you alone. It showed in his actions.

You weren't sure if it was a good time to ask, but you could sense his hesitations in leaving all the same. Maybe this would be a good excuse for him to stay.

"Demiurge...? What did... how did your brother betray you?"

Hearing such a question made the devil's blood turn colder than it was. He was at a loss for how to respond in the moment. All of those past memories came rushing at him in a bundle of emotions that tasted of bile in his throat.

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