Chapter 22

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Hello guys! Surprisingly, this story is going on much longer than I expected. Enjoy!


"I love you," Pres whispered quietly to his daughter.

Queenie was taking her to her parents' house for a mini vacation the next state over. Torch had already dropped his kids off with his parents. Pres was nearly in tears.

"We should go," Queenie said and carefully took their daughter back. We all watched her go in silence and watched as Pres tried not to chase them down the street.

"Let's meet in the conference room. I want to make sure we're prepped," Pres muttered. He slammed the front door and stormed off to our meeting room. When we entered, Beatrice's dad was waiting and Prs couldn't stop moving. We all took our seats after someone wheeled me to one side of the table.

"First thing. List off all you've got, legal and illegal. Maya will be back to check over the clubhouse, plus the two houses out back. Act like this is the real situation," Pres pointed at all of us. Those cops were a certain type of assholes to go after kids.

"Second of all," he began after we were finished, "after several interviews and considerations, the club has agreed to allow a new member." Mr. Odison's head snapped up and his eyes grew wide. A wide grin spread across my face as I glanced at the now embarrassed man.

"No way, guys. I—I'm too old, I can't—"

"We're not going to listen," Pres grinned. He pulled out a brand-new leather cut and tossed it at him. "The rules with you will be a little bit different. You only have to wear it representing the club. I know your store services another club."

Mr. Odison was still staring at his cut in awe when the door to the office burst open. Beatrice jumped in, flying brown hair and out of breath, and winced.

"Sorry. So sorry. CPS is at the door," Beatrice gasped. Pres broke into a run to the front door, and I was left there struggling. The one thing I could do was call Queenie.

"I'm on my way back," she said as soon as the phone picked up.

"CPS is here."

"Right now? I thought—"

"They're here. We need you here fast." I almost shouted into the phone.

"Fuck!" Queenie shouted. "They're pulling me over. This entire thing is planned. I'll be back soon." She hung up, and I was left in shock. Beatrice had finally caught her breath and was rushing to wheel me out of the room. There was a lot of commotion coming from the other room, and our only legal help wasn't here.

Pres was on the side, clearly trying to get a hold of his wife, so I motioned Beatrice to push me in that direction.

"She's not coming," I said over the arguing.


"They've pulled her over. The entire situation was planned," I told him. His face filled with rage as he motioned some men over.

"Get to Bear's house. Now. They're going after the kids," he muttered. The men rushed off through the back door, hoping to remain unseen, and Pres stormed to the front of the argument.

"Can I help you?" He muttered to the officers at the front.

"We have a woman from Child Protective Services here to investigate. We're escorting her because you're all," the man's eyes drifted down to Pres' waist, "armed." I hadn't even seen the small woman in a pink pantsuit behind the officer until he stepped aside. She blew her hair out of her face and glanced at the officer distastefully.

"My name is Poppy Marko. I'm here to investigate some complaints I've received," she smiled. Her hand reached out to shake Pres' as she stepped forward.

"My name is Mike, it's nice to meet you," Pres tried to force a smile as much as he could.

"Mind if I take a look around?"

"Sure. My daughter and the other children live with their family at the two houses on the back of the property. I can show you, if you'd like?" He gestured at the back door and, when she wasn't looking, wiped his sweaty hands on his pants.

"I'll just take a look around alone," Ms. Marko glanced at the policemen behind her, then at all of us with a smile. "Then I'd like to speak with the children."

"They're actually on vacation with their grandparents today. They've already left," Pres said. Ms. Marko was busy shooing the police out the door, and when she was finished, she blew her hair out of her face again and smiled at us.

"I'm going to be frank with you all." Her smile tightened and she straightened her pantsuit. "Those guys run this town, and they call and make all kinds of complaints about people they don't like."

She took a deep breath before continuing. "My friend's daughter goes to school with some of your children, and I've never heard anything bad about how you run your club. But, for legal purposes, I'm going to take a look around the premisis and I'd like to speak with the kids who I know aren't on vacation." She steered her gaze at Pres.

Ms. Marko didn't look angry, just frustrated at the actions of the police, and pulled a clipboard from her bag.

"I will need to speak with an Owen, Jasmine, Michael, and Maya," she read from her clipboard and glanced up at the crowd.

"Maya should be here before you're done checking the place out. The rest of us are here," Pres spoke up. She nodded, shooed us away, and began her examining.

"I'm going to shit myself," Torch grimaced. He looked sick to his stomach, and Jasmine looked no better.

"We haven't done anything wrong. Why am I so nervous?" Pres wiped his hands on his pants again and tried to sit down, but was up and pacing a second later.

"She's not going to find anything. I may or may not have snuck a note to a few guys. They've cleaned up everything that needed to be cleaned," I wiggled my eyebrows at my President and grinned. He tried to smile, but it looked more like a wince.

"Everything will be fine."


Hope you enjoyed. Next update coming soon!

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