Chapter Ten

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The morning arrived without relief from my sour air

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The morning arrived without relief from my sour air. I had been but a moment away from agreeing to ride again with that scoundrel, and I refused to let myself forget the ignorance. This was why I didn't have friends. People were so... frustrating! Assuming. Rude. Ridiculously handsome, and-! Dammit.

It wasn't long before the storm I brewed took on a life of its own through slammed drawers and stomping back and forth. Somehow, I'd drawn the attention of one Ser Elías and his viciously invasive interest in my mood.

"What is it, Svana?" he asked, stalking me as I traveled around the room. "Did something happen on your ride?"

"No," I remarked, heatedly. "What would give you that impression?"

"You were seen exchanging words with Cyr-"

I divided the name. "Well that would be weird if we did not converse given that we spent the better part of an afternoon together," I scoffed. "Besides, 'exchanging words' seems to be our strength as a pair." 

"I don't like that I'm not in attendance with you. Say the word, and I'll-"

"I do not need another chaperone," I huffed.

Josie entered the room with the skirt she'd mended for me. "That should hold the hem now, Miss. Ah, Ser Elías." She smiled at him. "I trust I find you well."

He nodded once, quickly returning to our discussion. "Then pray. What has riled you so?"

"Elías," I groaned. "Can I not just be irked? Must there be a reason? Or person whom does the irking?"

He waited but Josie nodded her head, finally grasping the content of our row. She peeked at me before laying the dress along the edge of the bed and retrieving her garment brush from somewhere close. 

"Fine," I relented. "It might have something to do with that Evergreen fellow."

"What did he do? I'll ki-"

My eyes widened as I stepped past him and shut the door. "Stop announcing murder so readily! Half of Chalke already thinks I'm an untamable beast! They'll call you my dog."

"Did he call you that? Untamable?" he scowled.

"No." I cut back across the chamber and sat at the desk, picking at my nails. "What is your obsession with the Blade anyway?" I cried. "He isn't special," I reminded myself. 

Josie stifled a laugh, drawing our eyes. She kept hers trained on the skirt she tended, eager to keep from smiling.

Elías bristled. "Do you have something to add, Miss Jocelyn?"

"No, Ser," she declared.

I sighed and reached for my shoes. "Mr. Evergreen has been nothing but cordial to me, Ser. A proper gentleman. ...Minus the endless sparring."

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