○Chapter 8○- Little Helper

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I slowly start to spend more time on the garden and less time in the kitchen.

All day for the past 4 day, I have been weeding and cleaning the garden yet it is still not done, still need to plant the hydrangeas and make a little vegetable garden too.

*sigh* "so much work...." I said as I stood back and wiped my sweat from my forehead and took in my progress of this garden.

A spark of happiness from the hard work, I unconsciously smiled.

Ok! We still have more than half the day to work this out!

I was pumped with adrenaline and pulled on my garden gloves.

Russling of the bush near me startled me as I look to see what was there.

There goes, a figure I known for a while. The little prince.

He got spooked as well, the little prince didnt expect to have tripped into the bushes. He fell out of the bush and landed on the pavement.

"Ugh.." the little prince grumbled. Surely in pain from such an unexpected fall.

I rush over and kneeled down, a little panicked I asked hurriedly, "Hey, are you alright your Highness?" As I reached out my hand.

The little prince felt like he accidentally exposed himself, a little embarrassed he looked up and took my hand.

We slowly stood up together and I checked to see if he was hurt anywhere. Besides looking a bit ruffled up, the little prince was alright.

I sighed as a smile pasted on my face as I took my garden gloves off and started to pat the dirt off of his hair and clothing.

Suddenly spotted a leaf on his hair, so I reached out and took the leaf.

"There you go" while still holding the leaf and gave a big smile.

The little prince felt a strange warmth creeping on his face as a hit of pink like cherry blossoms slowly flashed on his face. He stood there looking at the pink hair person right in front of him with the prettiest angelic smile as if he was so free from the world itself, feeling that person was a pretty flower himself among the empty garden.

The little prince at that moment wished for time to stop, such a blessing he never expected to have.

Seeing the prince unresponsive, I started to get worried, "Y-you aren't hurt anywhere, are you?"

The little prince snapped out of his daze and felt even more embarrassed.

"I'm fine..." he turned his head and spoke softly.

I exhaled out of relief and asked," what brings your highness here?"

"Well.... um.. I havent seen you in the... kitchen for a while.. so I-" The little prince said in a soft nervous tone.

I can't hear him as he started to mumble so I unconsciously got closer, almost right in front of his face.

The little prince took a step back out of surprise with red ears as he paused in his sentence.

*Ahem* The little prince gave a little cough as he readjusted himself.

"I asked your bulter about your... whereabouts" He turned his head again to the side.

I softened and apologized, "I'm sorry for not informing you, I wanted to start reforming this garden and have it done soon."

The prince started to make eye contact with me and show my attire and also looked around, "Do you not have workers to help you, why are doing it yourself?"

I felt touched as I can see he was worried about me, "I wanted to do this myself, even so I dont have people how would do this for me and Christophe is able to only help me a little only due to his work."

"But-but you can't possibly do this all yourself.." He exclaimed as he got even more worried.

"It's alright, I'm almost done too!" I tried to reassure him, "All I need to do now is a little more cleaning and planting, that's all!" I said with honesty.

The prince was now in deep thought and said, "I-I'll help you"

A little suprised, "But doesn't your highness have your own duties and first of all you are a prince!" I couldn't possibly let someone of royalty doing something like this, his reputation will be at stake!

"But you are still a noble as well..., if you are doing so then I will too" The little prince was now determined to help.

I sighed still wanting to decline, but the little princes sparkle aura is blinding me. He really has gotten used to using that on me.

I sighed as I slowly smiled "Alright, but your highness need to be careful! Let's start tomorrow then"

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