019 | signed, sealed, delivered

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Wednesday, 9th June 2021 ▬ Part Two

We carried on walking and talking, having a small tour around the building as we did so. Zak asked me questions, I asked him questions and Lando kept butting in and making small comments every two minutes making us all laugh. We met a few different members of staff, such as Lando's Head Engineer who was in the office today as well as Andreas Seidl, who was the McLaren Team Principal. His role is to manage McLaren's Formula 1 team, both on and off track, so it was pretty important that I met him and he knew who I was. He also obviously had a say in whether he'd like me to work with McLaren or not.

"So... I think we have a few things to sort out but how about we meet you both back in my office in an hours time." Zak clapped his hands together, looking at Lando and myself.

"Yeah, cool. We'll take a look outside and in the sim room." Lando said excitedly.

"Awesome, and Lando - no pushing her in the lake." Zak warned him.

"It was great meeting you Dani. I'll see you in a short while." Andreas shook my hand with a wide smile.

"Please, the pleasures all mine. See you," I gave them a short wave as Lando dragged me off in the opposite direction.

"Lando, I'm wearing heels," I groaned as he nearly pulled me over.

"Oh right, trainers..." He took a sharp turn, but carried on with the speed.

"Hold on," I stopped him and took the shoes off, carrying them in my hands instead. "You're going to make me fall."

"That'd be so funny though." He tilted his head to the side.

"Not if I broke my camera." I mocked his actions sarcastically. Eventually we got some McLaren trainers that fit my feet and I also decided to take my tights off - I thanked the lucky stars that I'd shaved my legs yesterday in the shower. I left my bag and heels in Lando's allocated room in the building. It was a nicely decorated room / office with a sofa against the wall and a desk with a few papers on top along with a laptop, which was open but locked out with a password. He had a few shelves with racing objects on them as well as posters of his favourite cars and drivers. Not to mention the poster of Carlos in his McLaren racing suit from last year. 

"Aww," I cooed, teasing him as I pointed at the poster on the wall.

"Do not tell Carlos," he pointed a finger at me.

"I won't." I held my pinkie up in their air. "Promise." I smirked.

"It's adorable by the way. You're friendship with Carlos." I told him, speaking up as we walked alongside the lake, enjoying the sun shining down on us.

"He's my best friend." Lando shrugged, sunglasses resting on his face. "Other than Max." He added.

"Is it hard? Not having him on the team this year? You seem to get along great with Danny." We headed into more of a serious conversation.

"It is. I miss him, a lot really. And Danny, yeah he's great, but we- we don't click the same I guess. He's much older than me. More than ten years older." Lando explained, shrugging as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "People really want me and Daniel to get along. And we do. But we have a different sense of humour and different interests. Besides this year I wanted to focus more on racing. Be more serious." He admitted.

"Well, I'm not great with inspirational words or speeches, but I'm sure the more time you spend with Daniel, the better it'll get. You're right, he is a lot older and so you don't have much in common. But what you do have in common is your love for racing. It's the biggest common ground there could possibly be between the two of you. But you can't force anything, that'd just make it worse."

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