Prologue - A New Player has Joined (Chapter Rewrite)

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Location: Manila, Philippines

Date: April 8, 2021/ 04-08-21

3rd Person P.O.V.

It was an late-afternoon at 3:30 p.m. in the city of Manila, The city is blooming with activity with no signs of stopping, Construction on new buildings seems to never stopped working, people going about their daily lives and so on so forth.

Our boi, James Ramos, a 19 year old Senior High School student who is going home from School (or University whatever). He is currently walking in a sidewalk to a pedestrian lane with a grilled cheese sandwich in his right hand.

We see our protagonist happily eating his grilled cheese sandwich, "Now this is some good cheese sandwich," he happily stated.

While he was eating his grilled sandwich, he checks his watch for the time, "hmmm, its 3:40pm now, better get home so i can finally finish my game on Horizon: Zero Dawn." he then walked to home a bit faster.

He walked up into a pedestrian lane, he waits there until green light was shown from the pedestrian light. As he waits there, he notices us (you) looking at him, "Oh hi! i believe we haven't met before. The names James Ramos or JR for short, i'm a 19 year old SHS student who's dream to finish and becoming a Doctor. I like to watch history especially on Military history, i play mostly action packed games, and i'm a bit of a memer myself."

He looked at the light and its still not turned green, he then goes back to face us (you) again, "I also read Novels and watch some Anime, while some novels and animes has a weird genre called Isekai. I mean a person gets hit by a truck seems... absurd i should say, then end up on a fantasy world where magic and mystical creatures exists, i know its weird," he notices that the people around him moved, signalling him that the pedestrian light was turned green, "Oh! i better go now, nice to meet ya.

While our boi is crossing the road, a special... vehicle decides to enter the scene.

The person who is driving a truck was a bit drunk and he has a bad time maneuvering to the street, avoiding people getting hurt or getting killed, "Ooh boy! i don't know why i drank that, with this dizziness and slight blurriness, i might hurt somebody or worse... kill someone," then the truck swerves a bit making the person driving panicked, "Ooo weee! oh, be careful now."

While the Trucker is having a bit of trouble our boi is walking the pedestrian lane while eating his last bit of the sandwich. Not noticing his, intentional doom... hehehehehe

While the driver having a panic breakdown. James was seen currently sulking that his sandwich is now gone, "Oh man D: thats the last bit of the sandwich gone," while he was sulking, he didn't remember his mothers lesson while walking down a street...

Look both ways before walking you fucking idiot...

Then a speeding truck was seen hurdling towards James, the driver noticed James and attempts to warn him of the incoming danger, "OH SHIT! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!!!" the driver honked his horn multiple times, but it was too late.

James heard this and sees the truck is out of control as he attempts to move away, but it is too late. The last thing he said, "Welp... (ಠ_ಠ) shit..."

Then he sees darkness. And that day James Ramos died on the spot by Truck-kun.


Location: Unknown

When James opened his eyes, he sees that like he was in space and floating into the unknown. but he sees... a rather short person with no arms and wearing some kind of a spacesuit, oh his color red for some reason, floating away.

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