Chapter - 4

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"They must be kidding." Arnav spoke for the 100th time much to my annoyance while Tanmay was sort of tongue tied.

I don't blame them. Even I am as shocked to know about the spread of the supernatural realm. Never would have I thought that there is a branch of United Nations looking over the supernatural activities and maintaining peace through the supernatural police, all over the earth and other related dimensions.

The catalogue contained how all Supernatural species decided to end interspecies war and commune peace, a couple of centuries ago, there by constructing the United Nations Supernatural Council. More of a shocker was that some humans know about the existence of supernatural creatures on earth and they maintain a peaceful relationship among each other while keeping the world of Supernaturals a secret from other humans.

Each supernatural species has a council of their own to maintain law and order at intra-species level. Two of those council members are chosen in each 10 years interval to represent their respective species in the highest supernatural council.

All supernatural species are divided into 4 major categories such as:

1. Creatures of light
2. Creatures of dark
3. Human supernaturals
4. Non-human supernaturals

I was glad to know that there were human half breeds and mix breeds in the first 3 categories.

Creatures of light consisted of Angels, Fairies, Faes and Angel Allies. They were categorized so because their aura emitted a bright light. These species are made of and operate on good and pure magic.

Creatures of dark are the ones who prefer darkness to light, mostly because they are stronger in the dark and have an essence of dark magic in them, such as vampires, witches, warlocks, werewolves, and witchlings.

Human supernaturals are those who have only one form of magical ability in them which they have mastered since centuries. Their human ancestors were gifted that particular magical ability by the gods themselves. Those supernaturals include shifters, seers, receivers,  space and time passages. Recently, Reapers have been added in this category who can see and hear ghosts.

Also there are Gifteds. Those are gifted with a special ability termed as a Gift among the supernatural species and humans alike.

We went through all the species and their respective abilities briefly though my concentration was fixed on mainly werewolves, shifters and vampires. As the shifter section contained no extra information I didn't already know, I concentrated on werewolves along with my roommates.

The history of werewolves was a great revelation for all of us. We didn't expect to find out that werewolves were actually a hybrid of shifters and hell wolves (created by demons to extinct earth of pure blood vampires). 

Apart from that we got to know about wolfsbane which is the same level deadly to any wolf as a vampire bite. Bite of a vampire and a werewolf are deadly poisonous for each other. Also, both being mortal enemies, possess the ability to sense each other's presence from miles away along with the universal ability to sense other species by their different and unique scents. The story of the Moon Goddess and mate stuff was something I chose to avoid. Aunt had already briefed me on it decades ago and pretty much all the adolescent werewolves in the pack knew about werewolf mateship. Though none of them had found their mates yet.

As I delved deeper into the vampire section, I was taken aback by the sub-categories.

There were pure blood vampires who arrived at earth from the corners of hell in search of peace and better nutrition (human blood). They are particularly the Dracula clan as they burn to ashes in sunlight, prefer long black hoodie robes and typical Transylvanian vampire stuff. Except they aren't the villainous bloodthirsty killers as per the stereotypes. They prefer peace and only take as much nutrition for basic survival. If I hadn't known better, I would have believed that they were the ones who coined the term 'sustainable development'.

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