please stop calling me

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"They say you're gonna wake up soon. Wouldn't that be nice... " George's voice was muffled in Sapnap's sleepy stupor. "Quackity keeps trying to visit, but his grandma is getting worse. They said it's Alziemers. He's not doing too hot." Sapnap could hear the other man sniffle a few times. "Then you showed up, which I am not mad about of course. It's just another thing on top of a thousand others that is taking a toll on the lot of us." Sapnap felt George pat his calf. "Well I guess I should go. I've already been here for a few hours... time flies when you're using your friend in a coma as a therapist." George's laugh was soulless as he laughed at his own joke.

Sapnap forced himself out of his limbo and croaked out a less than pleasant noise to alert the British man.

"Oh my god. Sapnap?"

George stayed silent as Sapnap recuperated. Last time he had been awake it took all his energy to speak to Dream, but this time it was much easier.

"Are you okay?" Honestly that was the most inflection Sapnap had ever heard in the man's voice.

"Just peachy."

George's eyes softened and he scooted his chair closer to the head of the bed. "Welcome back to the land of the living."

"Oh I saw your ugly face and thought I had entered hell."

They laughed together before they settled into a comfortable silence, George rubbing the thin blanket between his fingers while Sapnap actually took a moment to inspect the room he was in.

Sapnap smiled, choosing to tease his friend. "Did you miss me?"

George raised an eyebrow. "No, I celebrated for days on end" Sapnap got a stern look. "Yes, I missed you a lot Sapnap. Things just... weren't the same without you."

Sapnap frowned, that went darker than he anticipated. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault weirdo. We all thought... well it's pretty obvious what we all thought." George paused, "Where were you anyway?"

He swallowed. Sapnap wasn't sure if he was ready for this conversation yet. He could easily tell the truth. George was harsh with his words, but deep down he was one of the most understanding people the world had. But on the other hand, he cared. Too much even. There was no doubt he would get Sapnap admitted to a mental facility before he could even begin to explain that Dream meant no harm.

"Hello? Sapnap?"

Sapnap sighed. "I think I got kidnapped. I don't know. It was all blurry. All I remember was escaping and then I woke up here." He reasoned with himself that half the truth was better than no truth at all.

George released the tension in his shoulders and dropped his head. "You didn't deserve it."

He was quick to reply. "Nobody does. It just so happens that I was the one that got it."

The British man grew silent as he seemed to take in what Sapnap said.

"Let's not think about what happened. I hardly even know how long I've been gone. Why don't you tell me about the tea around the town."

George sighed, but raised his head to look Sapnap in the eye. "Remember what I was telling you about Betty down the street?"

Sapnap nodded slowly, it was a bit hard to recall but he knew the general facts about the story.

George smirked, "Get ready because you missed out on a lot..."

Dream rubbed his eyes with so much force that he saw dots after he opened his lids. He had been inspecting houses on the market for the past four hours now, and none of them had all that he wanted.

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