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We soon found ourselves back at the house and falling into my room. Not only was mine closer to the stairs, he's was dirty.

JJ pressed my back against the door as his lips traveled down my neck, nipping slightly now and then. Moaned slipped from my mouth as JJ made his way back to my lips and once again passionately kissed me. My hands were in his hair, tugging oh his tousled lock.

Suddenly, JJ wrapped his hands around my thighs and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist while still not letting go of his hair.

We walked to the bed and JJ let us fall with him landing on top of me. I pulled away from him long enough to start unbuttoning his shirt. It was soon discarded and thrown to the floor. I looked him up and down, taking in the sight of his incredibly toned body. He'd been going to the gym a lot since I'd last seen him without a shirt on.

JJ crawled back over to me and I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him close to me. His drunkness had no impact on his strength as he reached around my neck and tore my dress. I gasped and arched my back allowing him to pull off the rest of the way.

It left me nothing but my strapless bra and panties. His eyes hungrily looked over my body.

,, Looks like I'm not the only one who's been hitting the gym.'' He chuckled before coming back to kiss me.

I woke up to the sound of knocking at my door. My eyes fluttered open and it took me a moment to see past my blurry vision.

I felt arms around me so I gently turned around to see a sleeping JJ. My back was pressed tightly against his toned abs. I felt a strange sense of nostalgia as I laid wrapped in his arms. I felt safe.

''Shit!'' I mumbled, suddenly realizing what we'd done the night before.

I thought about all the morning I would wake up cuddle in bed with the love of my life and how every morning he would shower me with kisses and affection to show how much I meant for him.

The sheet sat just below my waist, exposing my whole upper body. The knocking was persistent so I sat up, but I forgot about the looming hangover and was greeted with an extreme headache and a feeling of nausea settling in my stomach.

,, JJ.'' I groaned, reaching being me to tap his arm and get his attention. ,, Tom get up!'' I rolled out of his grip and wrapped the sheet around my body enough to hide from anybody who could see through the window.

JJ groaned behind me as he shifted in the bed.

I grabbed his shirt from the ground, considering that I couldn't put my clothes on as he tore them last night. I slipped on my panties and stumble to the door, though it didn't occur to me to look through the peephole first before swinging the door open.

''Hey, Y/n! Came to see how you're doing.'' My eyes widened slightly as I closed the door enough so that JB could see my hand and not JJ's shirt that adorned my otherwise naked body. ''You drank a lot last night, from what Kie told me.'' He laughed.

''Yeah, um I'm not actually felling too good. Hangover and everything. I'll come find you later, yeah?'' I asked as I brought my hands up to rub my tample where the headache was becoming increasingly painful.

''Yeah, of course!'' he handed me a box of painkillers that'd been in his hand the whole time. He gave me a smile smile and left as I closed the door and lent against it.

As I looked up, I saw JJ sitting upright in the bed. He starred at me with a lob sided grin.

,,I'll make some cofee.'' I said smily and make my way to the kitchen.

,,Yeah that'd be grate.'' JJ cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck.

''Are you wearing my shirt, love?''

''It was the first thing I found!'' I defended myself quickly and heard him laugh lightly behind me. ''Stop starring at my ass!'' I grinned.

''I wasn't'' I could hear the smile in his voice as we bantered. It all felt like old times and it was so easy to slip back into a place of comfort.

I hear JJ get up as I put on the coffee. I leant my head against the upper cabinet. I stood straight and took two pills from the box JB gave me.

I turned around to give them to JJ as well, and saw him standing behind me in his jeans from yesterday. I quickly turned around before he could caught me starring at his toroso, though I had a feeling it was too late.

''What you starring at love?'' JJ says with a grin on his face as.

''Nothing!'' I said as I turned around to pour the coffee in two mugs. As I did that I felt to soft hand getting around my waist and hug me and a sof kiss from JJ on my neck.

I smile and turn around and heand him the mug. ''Well we are both in agreement that last night was amazing.'' I grinned, pointing to the hickeys I'd left on his neck and chest as well a prominent scratch mark on his shoulders that no deboutably followed all the way down his back.

''Could say the same thing about you, love'' he said as placing a soft kiss on my lips. I pulled my hair back and unbuttoned the first few buttons and saw similar hickeys scattered down my next and across my chest.

He lifted up my chin and started kissing me...turning out in to a makeout session. But I stopped and put my hands on his bare chest and pat them. I smiled.

''No matter how much I would love to fo this again babe, we cant...we gotta go get ready-!'' and I was cut by his lips toughing mine. We stopped for a breath and stared at eachother.

''I know. Work!'' He said and made a sad face with puppies eyes.

''Who know's maybe you'll get more tonight'' I started tase him while waking in the bathroom and before closing the door I smirked at him.

- Later that day-

Me and JJ went to work as we had to work for our rent. And later that day we went and meet the pouges and had a bit of fun as they were al wondering where were we last night as we left early.

So we told them that nothing happened as we didn't want them to know when we have sex or not. Our personal life! And that was the day, around 23 me and JJ got home and decided to watch a movie but as always I fell asleep...I think JJ too who knows!

Sorry guys I haven't posted but

I had a writer block so yes

here its the other


P.s: sorry its short and a bit messy I was in a hurry

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