Chapter 01

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"Urgh! I'm tired. Don't wake me up. I'm taking my power nap" Lisa said plopping her head on the table. I giggled.

"How many power naps do you take within an hour Lisa?"

She lifted her head from the table and smiled sheepishly. "If it requires my brain to work hard, then as much as possible"

"Com'on Lisa, This is the last assignment we have to do this semester. After that you know holiidayyyys" I sang smiling as excitement filled my heart.

"Someone is excited for her birthday. Or should I say her mate" Lisa teased while I patted my cheeks to get rid of the blush forming on my face.

"It's not like that" I argued.

"Sure. Whatever you say Elly..." Lisa mocked wiggling her eyebrows. We cracked a laugh at the same time.

"So our future pack doctor, I heard that you are not going to move into the pack house after your birthday. Is that true?" Lisa asked.

I nodded my head. " Yes, that's true. You know I'm preparing for the medical college. So my mom wants to keep me near her, to help me with my studies. And I prefer it too" I smiled.

"And Alpha Anderson gave you permission?"

"Yes, he did. He said I quote 'Anything to help our future doctor' "

"Wow! Perks of having a mommy doctor and a super brain to pass any subject with flying colours. Even an alpha bends rules for you" Lisa huffed.

"You know I work hard" I pointed out.

"I totally agree" She put her hands up giving up.

"But pack house is fun and your brother is there too" she continued after a while.

"And the 'Bella twins' tooo" I reminded her. "plus pack house is the last place I wanted to be. And I don't like being around mini high ranking officers" I felt the bitter taste in my mouth just talking about them. I couldn't think about facing them everyday.

"I understand. And I'm sorry if I reminded of your unpleasant memories" Lisa squeezed my hand.

"It's alright honey. Everything in the past now. And they stopped bothering me anyway" I patted her back.

"Speak of the devils and there they come" Lisa said looking at front.

And I lifted my head looking at the same direction to see, 'them' standing in the entrance of the hall. The populars, next in line high ranking officers, most praised people of our generation and what else, ah yes! idiots. That was how much I hated them.

Unfortunately my brother 'Roy' was there too with his mate 'Claire'. And I didn't hate them. I loved them a lot. Specially Claire who had the most sweet and loving personality among all of them. My brother and I shared the same brown hair and green eyes and he would be the head of warriors after my father retired from his position. So it was natural for him to hang out with other next in lines.

Then there were our future Beta Ian Thomas, our future Alpha Drake Anderson with few other warriors, including Mike and Lucas. And there were 'Bella twins', Annabella and Isabella who shared our brown hair but blue eyes. And yes! they were our cousins and were identical. They didn't find their mate yet and goddess bless that mate of theirs. And lastly Biyanka, a warrior, beautiful but no brain.

I looked away not wanting to get their attention. But it was too late. Roy noticed me.

"Sis!" He shouted across the hall gaining attention of other students in the study. I mentally faceplamed myself but smiled waving at him.

"Your brother and his little sister" Lisa chuckled.

"Not little, just one year apart" I stated.

"Hey!" He walked towards us with Claire on his tail and others following him. I scrunched my face seeing others coming our way but kept it neutral as they reached our table.

"Hey! What's up?" I asked.

We slightly bowed our heads towards our future alpha and he nodded his head back acknowledging us. His thick black hair fell onto the forehead when he nodded but he pushed it back effortlessly. His brown eyes stared into mine and his sharp jaw tensed in every second as if he was trying to read my thoughts. But I looked away focusing on Roy. And I ignored the rest not even bothering to look at them.

"We have a group project to do" Roy said looking around. "And there are not enough seats for all of us to sit down"

"Them too?" Lisa pointed at three girls who were same age as us. Bella twins and Biyanka. Others were our seniors, same age as my brother and Claire.

"No, we have a group assignment" one of the twins snapped.

"Looks like you almost finished it" Biyanka tried to read ours but Lisa closed the book.

"Sharing is caring. Why don't you help us cous?" Other twin intervened.

"She would have if you didn't..."

"Lisa!" I shouted getting up abruptly and stopping Lisa from finishing her sentence. I didn't want to remind of my old wounds, specially infront of these people who caused it in the first place.

"We're leaving. You can sit here Roy"

I said grabbing my stuff and pulling Lisa behind me.

'Damn! She does hold grudges'. I heard one of the boys say. And I couldn't care less...

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