It's Okay

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"He's not here. He's gone."
She remembered how her face washed of any color as she heard the words uttered from the principal's lips.

She sat in the class, repeating the scenario over and over again as she tapped her pencil mindlessly to on the wooden desk. Some of her classmates looked at her with pity, some asked if she was okay. What a stupid question, huh?

"Feriana!" Her teacher ended up shouting her name. Her brain was not there. It was in that last night they had texted. When he had told her goodnight and how he longed to see the mischievous glint in her eyes. He promised they would see each other that day. They had waited so long to see each other. Quarantine, huh?

Feriana looked up at her Teacher. She glanced at the board at the complicated equations and rolled her eyes sadly, but calmly.
She glanced at the board again, and held her head back down.

The teacher was unimpressed and the Teacher's pet murmured, "He was just your best friend, what's the big deal with the silence? So what if he's gone?"

Feriana threw her pencil away out the door, got up and turnt over the desk, making the silence erupt into a loud bang. Tears glistened from her cheeks, as she glared at the brat in front of her.

"Listen you little bitch, fucking idiot!"

Everyone looked at her shocked, for this was the first time she had cursed.
She was very quiet and seemed friendly and uncaring in her class.

Clearly she wasn't having it with miss dip-shit today.

"Being the teacher's favorite isn't gonna get you anywhere. I'm trying to be strong, to not break out in hives tears, to not fling your ass over a balcony and kill your dumb pathetic self. Not because you've never had a friend, doesn't mean you have a say in how I mourn mine."

She panted, and let out a scream, and fell down as she held her head in her hands.
"He meant everything to me, he was my world when no one noticed I was going to disappear. He was my light was I turned into a shadow that was ready to vanish. He was what genuine love is. I loved him so much." She cried into her hands.

The place was filled with her pain, dull and depressed mood as the place once again fell into silence. A silence too peaceful.

Someone rubbed her back and took her hands from her face.

"Feriana?" The person looked at her with concern.

Her eyes were red as she looked into the bright night lamp in the living room.

She looked up to see her two girl best friends on the couch and beside her holding her hands from her face, was her boy best friend.

They were all looking at her in concern.

"Are you-"

As soon as Feriana registered what just happened, she flung her hands around him, crying in relief making the other two girls tilt their head with a giggle.

The boy laughed as he petted her hair gently and whispered,

"Don't worry, it was all just a dream."

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