chapter ~8~

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One we entered the elevator I looked down at my hand seeing blisters and scratches

We heard mumbling and looked down to see a man down on his knees mumbling things

"Hey" 240 said

"Who are you praying to right now" she asked looking down at the man "to God?"

"Do you think your alive thanks to God?" She scoffed " you're still breathing and moving thanks to that old man"she stated

"Do we all go to heaven if we say our prayers" she asked "shit, then I have to pray too" she said as she clapped her hand saying stupid shit

"Be quiet" "please shut the fuck up"

"Me or that guy?" 240 asked

"Both of you" me and sae-byeok said

Then the elevator stops we all go out

"What's your names" 240 asked behind us

I was about to answer but sae-byeok cut me off saying that why does she need to know

"To call you by your names obviously" 240 scoffed

"You don't need to know"

I sigh "anyway my name is Y/N L/N nice to meet ya" I said with a tired grin

When we walked back in the main room we saw 101's group shocked that we came out alive

Take that you bitch

then they gave us corn for dinner wtf do they think I'm some child or something but at least i got food its better than nothing

We were all sitting together cause we are a "team"

Then I looked up at the leaderboard to see 40 players left

I zooned out until I heard the crazy bitch saying "just take three steps forward" she tried to sound like sang-woo

"I mean, that was way too cool. How did you come up with that in that kind of situation?" she asked

"You were crying" Ali said

"I did?" The crazy bitch said trying to act clueless "what bullshit are you saying?"

"You were crying" Ali repeated "ArE yOu CrAzY? tHaT'S BulLsHiT" Ali yelled in a high pitch voice mocking the lady

I started to laugh until the crazy bitch said "hey what country are you from? Do you even have a visa? you're an illegal alien, right?"

Excuse me bitch what I was about to roast tf out of her until sang-woo fucking interrupted me AAAAAAAAAAA FUCK YOU SANG-WOO I WAS ABOUT TO ROAST THE FUCK OUT OF THAT BITCH

"Another fight could break out tonight. We should be prepared" he said

"How so? We have these women and an old man" a guy said

"Shut the fuck up and if you don't want to be here then leave. da fack it's that simple if you don't want to be here then leave" I resorted back but of course he had to ignore me REEEEEEEE at least you die at the end that's karma bitch

"Let's pick a weak team then attack then first"

I zooned out cause it was getting boring

The next thing I know is that we are creating barriers

"If boys say women are weak then why did they ask us to do this. I though you men are supposed to do be doing it. Dumb stupid men I hope you die" I mumbled

Little did I know that 240 heard me and tried to hide a laugh keyword tried ( its not funny idk why i wrote that she laugh but like yaaa its there)

after we build the so called "barrier". it was 1 minute till lights out

"lights out will be soon. they won't attack us that easily" Gi-hun stated "but lets take turns on watching just in case"

"lets do it in pairs" sang-woo suggested "there is a chance that one may fall asleep"

"i'll go first" the old man said " old people dont get sleepy"

"sir. how are we going to trust and old man like you" a man said

"i'll go first" sang-woo said

" i'll join you" ali offered

sang-woo just nodded

like i wanted to sleep so i wasn't paying attention that much just slowly dosing off


we didn't wake up to music we woke up to A FUCKING SIREN

"all players, please line up in the middle of the room"

we see guards pointing guns at us so we stood up

then when we stood up the guard started to search every nook and cranny through out the room

the the music began to play

into the thick of it
into the thick of it
we're tramping through the bush
on and on we push
into the thick of it
but we can't say we're going
(i hope you know this)

jk they didn't play that

"the fouth game is going to start momentarily"

time to save ali and ji-yeong

heyyy guys
i almost fell asleep while writing

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