|𝟑𝟒.| 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 ♤

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Logic. Strategy. I've always relied on these two things when it comes to business. It's why they call me ruthless when it comes to negotiation. I don't think about emotions or about sympathy at least for people who I know don't deserve it. If I did then I would probably be as successful as I am. That doesn't mean I don't help those who need to help, I only help those who deserve to be helped.

That's one thing men in my industry expect me to be. Running on emotional feelings. My hormones are the reason for my business deals. It's true yes, it's called woman's intuition. Something men don't have. If they did, they'd be a hell of a lot smarter in all situations. You see the King is powerful but it is the Queen who stays behind the King to see the enemy coming from afar.

I would say men let their emotions come in between more than women do. Yes, we are more sensitive yet still more sensible. Men will only approach their enemies during their darkest endeavors but a woman, but a woman approaches her enemy in her brightest. To see how she strategizes, how she moves. Because when in that dark hour, they will use that move to check.

I stand out on the balcony, inhaling the morning air. I've been contemplating this for nearly three months now, his words replaying in my mind over and over. My hand grips the railing, my fingers tapping on the lining. This could go wrong in many many ways...but it could also be my game changer. My chess piece, my move forward towards the throne.

What businesswoman would I be if I didn't take risks?

My thumb hits the dial and I put the phone to my ear, it rings and he answers on the fourth ring. Disrespectful shit. "What?" he says, his voice laced with venom as he speaks to me like I'm such a girl who he picked up at a fucking bar.

"Don't sound so disappointed to hear from me." my voice is dripping with sarcasm as he scoffs, I hear ripping and heavy breathing along with some metal noises. He must be working out. That's hot. Woman, you're engaged. I scold myself, my mind wanders off to Ash punching a bag with no shirt, sweating and breathing heavily. That's hotter.

"Trust me, I was jumping for joy. Have you finally decided to take me up on my offer?" he speaks breathlessly. I sigh debating whether to go through with this or hang up this call to never look back again. I decide to not do the latter.

"Mhm. So talented and yet so untrustworthy, quite the hyena. How can I trust you?" I made due of getting straight to the point, if I falter for even a second he could take full advantage of the situation and turn things around on me. I always have to have the upper hand and right now, it's slowly slipping through my fingers.

"You call me...you can't trust me."

"Then prove yourself to me. Are you not a man of your word?"

He scoffs, "Using my own words against me, I see. Suddenly I'm reminded of why I took such a quick liking to you. That didn't end well or maybe it hasn't - never mind what do you want me to prove, what do you need me to do." He shuffles on the other side and I tsk.

I have to think about this carefully, something that would be hard for him to share with anybody. Something that can trigger him and push him to his very limits, that he has to question whether it's worth it to help me after all. That's when I'll know he's being sincere. But what could that be...that he holds so close? "The footage?"

"The footage of your family's passing. Let me see it then I will know that you are sincere. I will not force you, if you believe it is too much simply drop the call and we shall never speak of this again. We will only see each other by coincidence or by the opposition and if it is by the opposition, I will not hesitate to kill you. This is something dear to you, but so are the people I love. Give this to me, and you will have proven your loyalty. I trust you will make the right decision, I'll give you 48 hours. The clock ticks."

ECSTASY | CRIME PRINCE SERIES | BOOK 0.5 FIRST EDITIONजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें