Chapter four

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That night they called me downstairs and told me the news.

"Sweetie" my mom started "Your dad and I have decided it's best we get a divorce, we haven't been living happily and you have had enough of watching us fight. You are not getting the love or attention you deserve." She continued softly "We don't want you to think you are the reason we are separating, you are the reason we didn't for all these years, but know that you are older I think it's for the best." She finished off.

I kept still, my body didn't respond, I was so shocked, yet I knew they wouldn't stay like this forever.

"Honey?" my dad asked "I know it's hard to hear but we all knew this day would come, we just didn't want to face it" he said, touching my hair.

I was so upset, I didn't know how to react, so I just went upstairs to my room and slammed the door. Usually if they heard the door slam I would be double grounded, but this time... They understood. They even followed me and asked to talk to me, I pushed them away. There were so many questions in my mind. How would this work out? I was an only child, how would they share me? When were they moving? Would they at least come together for my birthday? To please me? Would they make an effort to me nice around me? I couldn't handle this right now, actually, that's a lie, I could never handle this kind of news. Not now, not ever.

The next day I came to school on sweatpants and an Arizona sweatshirt. I had the hoodie on to hide my dripped mascara from last night, that I had not bothered to wash away. I pushed away my friends, I wouldn't talk to anyone, and I missed most of my classes that day. Nothing made sense to me anymore, my whole world was turned upside down, everything was so out of place. I couldn't handle it, any of it. I even snuck away and cried under the bleachers, when I was sure no one was watching. But someone heard me, there was a silhouette getting closer and closer to me. I quickly wiped my tears away and put some sunglasses on. The person who I specifically hoped wouldn't see me at my lowest, crying away at school, was standing there, looking at me.

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