Present: Concord, Massachusetts: 1869

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Concord, Massachusetts: 1869

Jo sat on the dining table re-reading one of the old plays she and her sisters used to re-enact during Christmas.

"Jo," a quiet voice from behind interrupted her.

Beth looked remorseful despite her deception to lure her sisters back home.

Jo sighed, "Oh Beth. You were right" Opening her arms to welcome her little sister for an embrace.

Beth slumped against her sister, "It's just... I feel torn... Like I have to choose between my sisters. And if we don't fix this now we might never do so in the future. I didn't mean to lie to you and I didn't want to ruin Amy's trip... But we're sisters"

With that last statement, two were reminded of their youngest sister, Andy, who always used family as a reason to fix any animosity.

Jo nodded in understanding, "How about we brainstorm at the beach on how to drag our wayward sister back home"

Beth tearfully laughed.

The cold ocean breeze welcomed the March sisters as they lay peacefully on top of their shared blanket.

Beth used Jo's as a pillow as the two looked at the waves reminiscing their childhood at this very same beach.

Unsent Letters: Theodore "Laurie" Laurence/ OFC Where stories live. Discover now