Chapter 34

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Eleanor got off work and went home to get changed. Sebastian was going to pick her up once he was also done with work and then they would go to the boxing gym where he always practiced with the same group of friends.

Pacing back and forth in her apartment, she waited for him. They started dating, but that didn't erase the fact that it started as a lie; and that made her nervous and insecure. She still had questions about what was true and what was not; she wondered if Sebastian was speaking the truth when he suggested they should try to date.

Her phone rang and her body froze as she read the name on the screen. She was expecting a phone call from Sebastian. Instead, it was her father that was calling.

'You can guess why I'm calling, can't you, Ellie?'

'It doesn't say my name on the news—'

'But it has photos. And even though they aren't that clear, I think I can still recognize my own daughter. Your mother and I saw it yesterday. We waited to see if you'd call, but you never did —'

'I'm sorry for not telling you. But I didn't even think that you and mom reed that type of news.'

'We don't. But we happened to come across one of the photos and hold and behold it was my daughter on the magazine cover.'

She took a deep breath and then let all the air out.

'I've never thought that this would happen.'

'Your relationship or the news?'


'Are you happy? With him?'

'Should I be speaking to you about Sebastian Crain? I thought you didn't like him.'

'It's not that I don't like him, Ellie. I think he is a bright young man. But his private life. Well, there's not much to say about it.'

'A lot of the things that are said about him are lies.'

'Regardless of that. I just know him in a professional way, and I just think that he still has a lot to learn. One of those things being that not everyone has to do what he wants to and that not everyone wants to work for him. I won't tell you should or shouldn't date. I trust you to make the right decisions for yourself. But you didn't answer my question.'

'What question?'

'Are you happy?'

'It's complicated.'

'And why is that?'

'He is my boss. Amongst other problems we're working on.'

'As long as you are working on it and as long as he makes you happy. How long have you been together?'

'That's another complicated question.'

'Why is everything difficult with you?'

She giggled.

'Don't worry. Everything is fine.'

'The why does it sound like it's not?'

'I just,' — she sighed — 'I didn't plan any of this. A relationship wasn't a part of my plan.'

'You can't plan every single aspect of your life. What you can do is adjust yourself to the changes and try your best. I've been telling you this.'

'I know. Thanks, dad.'

The phone call with her father ended, and before she could have time to analyze their conversation, her phone rang again. This time it was Sebastian saying that he had arrived and that he was waiting for her downstairs.

Sebastian was standing outside of his car in his casual attire, which always surprised Eleanor. It made him look so much different from how he looked at work. He looked younger; closer to his actual age; and more relaxed.

'Ready?' he asked with a dazzling smile.

Eleanor nodded and smiled back.

'It's everything okay?' Sebastian asked as he parked the car. Eleanor had been silent the entire time.

'I was on the phone with my dad. He called me while I was waiting for you.'

'Is everything okay with your parents?'

'They saw me in one of the pictures and recognized me.'

'What did he say?'

'He was just worried. We wanted to know if I was okay.'

'I promise I won't give him reasons to worry about,' he said as grabbed her hand and kissed it.

As Sebastian trained, Eleanor could not help but to flinch every time he was hit. She knew it was just practice and that he was wearing protective gear, but she couldn't help but to worry about him.

By the time that Sebastian finished showering and getting ready, they were the only ones left at the gym.

'Are you hurt?' she asked as she got up and saw Sebastian walking towards her.

'No. Just a little sore,' he answered with one of his dazzling smiles that took her breath away. 'Where you that worried?'

'Yes. Of course. I mean,' — she blushed and looked away — 'anyone can get hurt by that.'

Sebastian smirked.

'Hey, come here.'

'What? Why?'

'I want to teach you something before we leave.'

She shook her head.

'I'm too uncoordinated. I'm terrible at sports. The only thing I can do is run.'

'It's something simple. Just try it. There's no one else here.'


'Punch me.'

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