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I thought about doing another ABC section for the lemon introductions but it's a little too repetitive, so let's do something else! This will be like a small Q and A to get down the basics for the boys. Enjoy!

Q: How big is he?

Michael: The biggest of all the boys, unsurprisingly. About 9 inches...
Bubba: A hefty 6.5 incher, just above average lengthwise but very girthy.
Bo: 5.5 give or take, the absolute middle ground.
Vincent: 5.5, same as Bo!
Lester: 5 inches on the dot, he's a little self conscious about it.
Brahms: Surprise! He's packing a solid 6.9 inches down there.

Q: How rough is he typically?

Michael: Goodluck sitting afterwards, Michael is VERY rough in bed and typically leaves you sore.
Bubba: Pretty gentle, he sees you as extremely delicate so he tries to be careful with you.
Bo: It really depends on his mood. On a good day he's gentle with you but in a bad mood, you're gonna get railed like there's no tomorrow.
Vincent: He's pretty moderate on you, you wouldn't say he's technically gentle but you don't have to worry about him literally breaking you either.
Lester: Lester goes surprisingly hard on you, you wouldn't have expected the little guy to have it in him.
Brahms: Brahms is very gentlemanly in bed, he only goes as hard as you'll allow him so if you like it rough, then he will happily oblige.

Q: What kind of kinks does he have?

Michael: He is as sadistic as it gets, he likes biting, hitting, scratching, hair pulling... all of it.
Bubba: Bubs has an interest in BDSM, he LOVES seeing you tied up or totally restrained and helpless.
Bo: Bo is a bit of a masochist. Bite him, scratch his back as hard as you can, he adores it.
Vincent: Vincent likes to swing, he often invites one or even both of his brothers to go to town on you with him.
Lester: Lester is into pet play, he loves to pull you around on a collar and boss you around- if he tells you to sit, you better sit girl.
Brahms: He likes to choke you, and I'm not talking that weak pussy shit- I mean he likes to bring you to the verge of passing out over and over. You might lose some brain cells...

Q: How loud is he?

Michael: Lol what do you expect? A screamer? He's dead silent save for a few VERY soft grunts.
Bubba: Pretty dang loud, he could make you go deaf with those groans.
Bo: He's a moaner and a groaner but typically keeps himself under control... until he cums.
Vincent: Vinny is a master of volume control, you wouldn't believe it but he's actually quieter than Michael!
Lester: Lester is very vocal but not loud. Unlike his brother, his volume stays the same when he's about to bust.
Brahms: Brahms' volume waivers throughout, along with his tone of voice. He often sounds like 20 different people are inside of him, it actually kind of creeps you out and impresses you at the same time.

Q: What is his favorite place/position?

Michael: Michael will almost always choose to fuck you in his sister's room in the Myers house. How he does it doesn't matter, but he will typically fuck you standing against a wall for convenience.
Bubba: Your comfort is his number one priority, so he likes to save sexy time exclusively for his bed. He fucks you on your back with your little butt resting between his chubby thighs.
Bo: He loves to do you in his truck, it makes him feel so dirty and powerful. He holds you down in his lap with your back against the steering wheel and thrusts into you with skilled precision to avoid honking the horn every few seconds.
Vincent: On the floor... He is so experienced with maneuvering around on his knees to sculpt his statues that he's actually quite skilled on the floor. He takes you with one leg up on his shoulder while he holds your wrists against the ground, it can be a tiring position but one he is very good at.
Lester: Honestly he likes every position and will be happy fucking you anywhere. His favorite is anal in the woods, propping you against a tree.
Brahms: Rather than do you in the comfort of your big cozy bed, he weirdly prefers his dusty small bed behind the walls. He likes missionary so he can stare at you and get lost in that beautiful face.

Slasher x Reader: Lots of FLUFF and LEMONDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora