25~Half Sister

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"She's our what?" Alex spoke up.

"You're half sister. She's your father's daughter. Her grandmother just got put in the nursing home and you are her only living relatives left. She will be moving in with us." Sydney explained. 

"Mom!" Parker protested. 

"It's not up for discussion, Parker!" She snapped. 

We all looked at Sydney in shock. I've seen her yell plenty of times at the boys, but she has never snapped like that. 

"Yes ma'am" He grumbled, before he stormed off, most likely to his room. 

Emily looked terrified. 

"Emily, do you want to go to your room?" I asked. 

She nodded silently.

I asked Sydney which room was going to be hers. I led her up to her room and sat with her. 

"How are you, Em? I know this can be overwhelming." 

"I'm not great but I'm hanging in there. I don't know how to feel about having five half brothers that I didn't even know existed. I had no idea my dad even had another family, before mine. And that's not even mentioning I have to move schools in the middle of the year and make new friends, not that I had much at my last school. Plus they all looked they hated me." she cried. 

I wiped her tear streaked face. 

"Emily, they don't hate you, they are just shocked is all. They didn't know about you either, Em. This is new to everybody and we're all just going to have to figure things out as we go. Trust me, the guys will love you. They're so sweet and loving. Everything will turn out good in the end, I promise" I gave her one last squeeze before I left her to go to bed. After the long emotionally draining day she's had, she's going to need it. 

I walked to Parker's room and knocked softly on the door. 

"Go away, Mom" He grumbled from inside. 

I opened the door, knowing it was unlocked. He was laying in bed facing the wall. 

"Last time I checked I'm not your mom and If I was that would be a big problem" I joked. I picked up the blanket covering him and got in bed next to him. 

He turned around to face me and pulled me closer to his body. 

"How did you meet her?" He asked, curiously. 

"On the plane ride to Kansas this break. She and her grandma sat by me on the plane. We hit it off, I guess." 

He nodded in acknowledgement. "I can't believe he had another family and didn't even tell me, or any of us. We told each other everything and he never thought to mention that he had another family. A whole fucking family." 

I ran my fingers through his hair to calm him down a little bit. 

"If it makes you feel any better, she didn't know about you guys either. She was just as clueless as you" 

"Are you seriously picking her side right now?" he pulled away from me. 

"Parker there are no sides here. Y'all are her only living relatives, she had no where else to go. She's living here no exceptions, Sydney made that pretty clear in the living room. Not to mention it's Christmas. She was left with nobody and nobody should be alone, especially on Christmas." 

He fell back down to my side with a sigh. "You're right" 

"I know" I smirked. 

"Wait, I have to get you back to your house. I was supposed to take you home" He sat up frantically. 

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