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It's been two weeks since the incident with Xander and I decided to just tell Kay about it because It would have been better if she heard it from me rather than another person. I told her the next day after I had confirmed he was recovering well and although she insisted on going to the hospital to see him, I didn't allow her but promised to let her visit him in his house once he's back from the hospital since its a much better environment than a hospital which children can contract or get infected easily by any diseases or viruses.

I mean the girl loves her dad so much. She's been going to see him every morning before school and after she comes back from school. Of course I made myself very scarce since I couldn't risk him seeing me and remembering anything about me being the one who helped him and I was practically in tears begging him to hold on. Am sure he would definetely ask me so many questions and I could only last so long lying to him. It also helped that I've been so busy with events and establishing my business roots in California and I've been so busy I almost never say Kay but I made sure to go to her room the minute I got home.  Xav has been so helpful and the others in making sure everything goes smoothly and that I get home early to see how my baby is doing and obviously fish for details about her dad's health.

Today we are supposed to be meeting the owner of a vineyard that I have had my eye on for a while and we were supposed to negotiate the terms of the purchase. I have always loved the countryside but it was hard to grow up there since all my family's roots were etched in the city and became even more permanent when my grandparents passed away. I've always loved the LA sun and it just had a way of soothing my skin and caressing my follicles leaving me feeling energized and fabulous.

 I've always loved the LA sun and it just had a way of soothing my skin and caressing my follicles leaving me feeling energized and fabulous

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This particular property just had a certain charisma,  edge and elegance to it and it drew me to it the moment I visited it fro a wine presentation event

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This particular property just had a certain charisma,  edge and elegance to it and it drew me to it the moment I visited it fro a wine presentation event. When I found out it was on sale, I put my people to it quickly and made an irresistible offer that the owner just couldn't refuse to put me in as a potential buyer but obviously I was the best and am sure other interested parties didn't stand a chance. Kay had accompanied me since she wanted to see the property and possibly learn a thing or two about how grapes are cared for and prepared before they are ready for harvesting and used in wine making. When we reached the vineyard, the owner and his daughter were there to welcome us and as soon as I informed them of my little lady's interest she was assigned a worker to show and explain to her everything but obviously my security had to be with her at all times. We proceeded to the office to get down to business and I must say the décor was captivating and inviting and it really gave off a homey feeling and a calm environment to work in.

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