Chapter 7: Big Bad Three

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"Okay, here's everything I know."

Yuna slides her open notebook on the dining table. Akio scans over the notebook and the list of names caught his eye first. There were also little doodles beside the names, which were Yuna's attempts to draw the characters.

Big Bad Three:

Noah Ayers

Nathaniel Jay Clarke

Brielle Alston

"Noah Ayers is the main villain and the leader behind the whole operation." Yuna explains with a dreamy look. "I hate this dude but why do villains have to look so hot?"

"Please come back."

"I'm back." Yuna clears her throat. "The point of my little presentation is so that you will know which people to avoid in the future. Noah keeps to himself a lot and barely leaves his hideout and when he does, it's definitely not out in public anyways so we're clear of him."

"Okay, that's good."

"Second, Nathaniel will be out and about. I have a feeling that he's already stalking me...Actually, he is already stalking me."


"Don't worry bro, I'll make sure to always have someone with me."

"I'll walk you to school every morning."


"And if no one can walk you home, call me. Please call me, don't go and think you're going to be fine-"

"I understand Akio, I'll call you. I promise."

Akio nods and takes a deep breath. He hopes that she will keep her promise. Yuna reached out her hand and held Akio's hand, giving a reassuring squeeze before continuing. "Continuing on, Nathan won't come out of his hiding spot in public areas. He'll be recognized immediately and he's damn set on avoiding that."

"If you see him or feel his presence, don't forget to report him too." Akio says and Yuna accepts easily. Of course she'll report him once she notices him. Akio also has another suggestion. "Can't we just tell the police that you're being stalked? So that you'll be under protection."

"Hm, you're right. Let's do that."

"But I wonder how this will go..."

"Ex-detective's little sister reports being stalked." Yuna pictures it out. "I think we have to wait a few days before reporting though...Wouldn't it be weird if I suddenly say I'm being stalked and it just started yesterday."

"Onee-san, I don't think the time matters. Your safety is being threatened." Akio replies firmly. "If they won't take you seriously, you still have me."

"Thanks, Akio..."

"Let's do it tomorrow since it's the weekend."

"Got it."

The two then move on the last name on the list. Yuna gives a brief explanation of the final villain, Brielle Alston. "Brielle is disguised as a normal citizen, she's basically like a recruiter for their organization and scouts new people to traffic and test their drugs on. She's one evil bitch, I'll tell you that."

Yuna crossed her arms and sighed out in frustration. "She has no problem walking about in public and stuff. I hate the chapter where she tricked a group of elementary school kids, but thank God Scarlett was there to kick her ass and go one on one."

"Oh, that's a relief."

"She escaped though."

"Oh...So um, how do we avoid her?"

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