Chapter 3

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Irisviel: I am disappointed in you both. I mean really.

An exasperated sigh left Irisviel as she is currently standing outside in the snow in front of the two servants, who were recently summoned. The both of them are currently sitting down in a Japanese posture and are being scolded by Irisviel. They look down down in guilt at what they caused. Or at least that's what Arturia is doing.

Shirou in fact, is having fun and completely amused, but he can't lie that he feels a little upset to be lectured like this. On the outside it looks like he's upset with himself. But internally he was enjoying the look on Arturia's face. He couldn't help but think how cute she looks when she's angry.

Arturia is clearly upset with herself as how she let her anger get to her. How can SHE, A KING, let her emotions get the better of herself? And now she's being scolded by her very own master.

She gives a sideways glance to her ally in this war, Shirou. And from what she can tell, he looks upset with himself, but one look from his eyes she can tell his clearly amused with the current situation. He knows what she's thinking. He knows she's currently berating herself. Knowing this, it angers her more, but there's something else as well.

Your probably wondering what happened right? Well let's go back 30 minutes.


A few hours after Shirou's teasing, Arturia asks him to follow her. After a few minutes of walking in complete silence, they end up in what looks to be a little dojo.

Arturia: Catch.

Shirou: Hm?

Shirou catches what looks to be a wooden sword. Ah. Now he understands. It's seems she wants to have a duel.

Shirou; I see... How did you know I can fight with swords.

Arturia: I didn't.

Shirou couldn't help but chuckle at this. Was she really that upset and trying to regain her pride? No, she just wanted to give him a simple beating that's all.

Arturia: Well get ready.

She gets into her stance and Shirou does the same. Soon they charge towards each other, wooden swords hitting one another continuously.



However, it's seems that Arturia is on the offensive an Shirou is on the defensive. Is he holding back? No. He's just simply parrying her attacks. Why does he hold back? Why is he not fighting? This is a duel is it not? Aturia couldn't help but question what he's planning.

Arturia:[Backs off] Why do you not fight?

Shirou: Well, as a heroic spirit.


Shirou: [Turns serious] It'll be improper of me to hurt a beautiful maiden like yourself.

She then just stared blankly at him for a few seconds, before letting the words kick in. She then immediately blushes and looks at him infuriated for looking down on her!

Arturia: You! I am a king!

Without knowing, Arturia uses mana burst and launches herself at Shirou. Shirou could only widen his eyes, before blocking a strike from her, that hit like a truck. Which caused both wooden swords to break and he ended getting knocked onto the ground. He immediately gets up and flips backwards with his left hand, landing on his 2 feet, creating a little distance from each other.

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