Part 10:-)

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Ella gets up from her sleep. Rubs her eyes. She holds her forehead because of hangover. Just after a while she shouts when reality strikes her.

"Oh My God!!!" What have I even done?"

"Oh..No! Jesus Christ please say me that, it was a dream."

"YESS. IT WAS A DREAM."She tries to run away from embarrassment while pestering herself with lies.

She then takes a bath. And, comes out in a bathrobe. And, see's something on the floor.

"What's this ?" She says while picking it up.

"A hanky ?"

"Oh...No. It wasn't a dream." She cries.

"What in a world am I going to do when I meet him in the office. Oh lord!"

She then takes the hanky and keeps it in her cupboard.


They both meet in the office. They both ignore each other. One waiting for right time and other out of embarrassment. Just when both of them leave. Kai grabs her hand and takes her to a different room out of everybody's sight.

"What are you doing Kai ?" She says softly so that no-one hears them.

"I want to talk to you."

Ella doesn't say anything and looks at him while hiding her embarrassment deep inside her.

"Ella..You just cannot do anything with me and then stay quiet."

"Yes what do you want to talk about ? Go ahead. I'm listening."

"You know what happened yesterday ? Your hands were going places while on me. Then, you even kissed me."

"See, I don't remember whatever happened yesterday. "

"Oh you don't remember ?"

"Yes I don't."

"So, you think I'm lying ??"

"Maybe...who knows ?"

"What??? Are you for real,Ella ?"

"Yes. Can't see me uh what."


"Okay! If you're saying so that I've done all that then I'm extremely so..."

"No. Not a word. I don't want to here your sorry. I want to know whether you like me or not ? And, if yes then what's stopping you ?"

"No. I donot like you."

"Ohh! So you love me ?"

"No. I don't even love you. Boy, get over your fantasy."

"Then, why the fuck did you say that you liked me yesterday ?"

"When did I ?"

"Yes you did. You said me how much you're dying to get into my..."

"Into your what ?"

"Into my you know. Come on don't make me say it." Kai tries to tease her.


"But, you said you don't remember anything..?"

"Yes. I do remember everything and I didn't say that." Ella says it in the heat of the moment.

"Okay then!" Kai says while putting his hand around her waist and pulling her near himself.

"What are you doing Kai, let go off me." She says softly while avoiding the eye contact.

He tilts his head and looks into her eyes.
"I need answers. If you didn't like me why did you kiss me yesterday. Why were you touching me. And, why do you keep commenting on my chest and..."

"And, what ?"


"Your penis ?"

After hearing that Kai lets go off her. And maintains a distance.

"See, I really really like you. I really want to get into a relationship with you. And, I'm asking you this last time. Can you please be my girlfriend ?"

Ella doesn't say anything.

"If your answer is yes then I'll be happiest person alive. And, if no then I promise you I'll not bother you ever. And, I'll also change my lab partner and will try my best to not show you my face and see your face." He sighs.

Ella doesn't say anything. And keeps looking at his face.

"Ella please say something. You're killing me."

"I do like you back. But, I cannot get into a relationship with you. The reason I keep avoiding you is because you seem like a person who wants to get into a serious relationship. And, I.....I just can't."

He comes near her. And touches her hand.

"Okay... I understand. But, I'm also not trying to get into any serious relationship. What I'm saying is atleast we can try."

"All I can do is Casual relationship. If you're into it. Then, I'm ready. And, if not then there's nothing I can do."

Kai looks at her face. Goes near her until there's no space left between them.

"So, lets do then."

"YEEEESSSSS!" Ella says in excitement.

Kai brings his face near Ella's face.

And says, "May I ?"

Ella nods her face in yes.

Then, Kai kisses her lips very softly.
And, takes her lower lip into his mouth and kisses her.

"So, from now on..Can I call you Ell ?" Kai asks her after breaking from their kiss.

"Yeahh!" Ella says.

"Also, why is my girl blushing ?" He teases her.

"Hmmm.." Ella says nothing.

So, guyss how was the chapter ? I just want to know if there is any improvement needed. And, also please support me. Also, Please vote if you're reading this book.
Also, one question.

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